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*Erin's POV*

Justin is in danger.

And it's up to me to help him.

The longer I wait around with no plan is the longer it will take to save him.

And the more time that passed was the more danger he would be in.

"Pack up all the equipment, we're leaving in five," I overheard a voice by the FBI vans say.

Reacting before thinking, I ran from my hiding spot and jumped into the back of a van.

A plan would have to wait.

However, Justin could not.

I didn't even bother to observe anything in the van before ducking behind some crates as one of the FBI members glanced around the van.

"What are you looking around in there for?" a disembodied voice asked.

"Nothing, I just thought I heard something," he replied, closing the door of the van.

I exhaled a heavy sigh of relief.

My risky move worked, now I'm on my way to saving Justin.

With more careful actions and maybe a bit of luck, I can sneak him away from the FBI and safely return him home.

I just hope I'm not too late.
The entire ride in the back of the van was dark, cramped, and musty.

It was too dark to see, but I could tell that there were forms of weaponry accompanying me in the van because of the almost inaudible clinking and scraping metal sounds I heard.

Crates of what I assumed was meat because of the smell, slid around as the vehicle made even the slightest jerking movements.

The smell of the substance in the crates was awful, and I nearly passed out three times.

I barely had space behind all of the cargo in the van, and stayed cramped behind a crate for most of the trip.

And the worst part of my stay in the back of the van: the unwanted presence of fear and doubt.

I tried in vain to steer my mind from negative thoughts about what I was trying to do.

I know it's best to stay positive, but I couldn't help doubting myself.

What if the members driving the vans discovered me, the stowaway, in the back of one of their vans?

What if I ended up getting captured?

Or what if I altogether failed my mission, and wasn't able to save Justin?

He could end up dead because of me.

I hated how his life was deposited into my hands like this.

Because one wrong move from me, and I never see him again.

I can't bare the thought of not being able to visit him anymore, and see his beautiful smile.

It would break my heart permanently if anything happened to him...

The vehicle swayed yet again, abruptly pulling me from my thoughts.

How long have I been riding in this suffocating space?

I must have forgotten to keep track of the time.

Just then, the van jerked to a stop.

Silence followed the lack of movement, then the sound of footsteps against metal.

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