What We've Seen

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*Justin's POV*

A human.

I saw a human in my woods.

It had been a female, and she was beautiful.

Her hair was a light chestnut color, and it was long and curly.

Her eyes were emerald green, and they held so much wonder in them.

I had been so excited to see her, because she's the first human that I have seen in what felt like forever.

Though she was lucky that she ran when she did, because had she stayed any longer, my vampire senses would've over taken me again and I would have killed her.

The mere sight of a human should have driven fear into me, but for some reason, when I saw her, I couldn't help but feel like she was different.

Maybe she was a kind human, one that was caring.

I don't know anything about her, but I do know that I would love to see her again.
*Erin's POV*

That night, I remained restless in my bed.

What creature could possibly be the owner of those horrific eyes?

I shuddered as thoughts of terrifying monsters popped into my mind.

"Oh c'mon Erin," I thought.

"You're old enough not to believe in such things."

But I know what I saw.

Eventually, I fell asleep, but not for long.

I had a nightmare that woke me up almost right away.

In the nightmare, I sat awake in my bed, too scared to sleep.

And suddenly, out of the darkest corners of my room, those eyes appeared again.

Those intense purple eyes.

They crept over to me, and grabbed me, consuming my entire body in darkness.

The bad dream was enough to wake me up in cold sweat.

I have to find out who the owner of those eyes is.

Because this newly developed fear is not something I plan on getting used to.
"Why exactly did you call us here?" Jacqueline asked as we snuck behind school again.

It's now Saturday morning, and I had called my friends and told them to meet me behind school.

"Yeah, why did you want us to come to school on Saturday?" Piper inquired.

We came upon the woods again and I turned around to face them both.

"Guys, I didn't tell you this before, but I saw something in those woods," I explained to them.

The two of them remained silent for a moment, then burst put laughing.

"Nice try Erin," Piper snorted.

"You're just trying to scare us."

"No, I'm not!" I insisted.

"Oh really? Then what exactly did you see?" Jacqueline quizzed me.

"I saw a pair of eyes," I answered truthfully.

"Not just any normal eyes. They were a sort of lavender color. And there was no face attached to them. I think those eyes have something to do with all of those animals that have been mysteriously dying."

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