The Land Of Memories

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Ashley's POV

Staring out the window at the bar, I watch cars drive up and down the road. The crew and I are all at a bar enjoying ourselves and spending a night free of children. Chandler is at a party tonight and Eve is out with some of her friends. I look behind me and watch Mitch and Jerome play pool with Adam and Ryan. Alesa and Louise are at the bar, talking and laughing with each other. My head is a little dizzy from the alcohol, but they don't know that.

I put on my jacket and walk outside, get some fresh air. I embrace the cold air as it runs through my hair. I hug my jacket against me and I sit on a bench that was next to the bar. I sit back and look up at the beautiful stars that were scattered across the sky. The sight takes me back to the day when Mitch proposed to me. Seeing all the stars in the planetarium. I smile to myself from the thought of it.

I think to myself for awhile, about everything that has happened in the past 20 years.

Well, Mitch and I got married, had Chandler and Eve. Managed to finally hit 10 million subscribers on my channel and 15 million on Mitch's. Finally went to Hawaii and traveled to every other country. Minecraft has been known as the number one game in the world and has been for the past, 25 years or so. We upgraded our house and adopted a Black Lab and named him Nexus. We convinced Chandler and Eve to make a YouTube channel. YouTube has became so popular that it has basically taken over television. I have became a famous and well known model from doing a lot of fashion shows around the world, but retired from doing that and now just try on designer clothing. Mitch and I are old farts and so is all our friends!

I get lost in the stars for awhile. Still can't get over that i'm 47 years old and that my life has been one big hot mess. I sit back and pull out my phone to look at my messages. I turn my head and watch Mitch walk out of the bar and look around. He looks over at an empty bench on the other side of the bar and sits down and looks up. I watch what he does and I giggle to myself. Great minds think alike.

I stand up and walk over to him. He looks over at me and smiles.

"What are you doing out here?" I smile at him.

"I was just about to ask you the same question." He blushes.

"Just needed some fresh air, the alcohol is making me think a lot." I sit next to him and stuff my hands into my pockets and look back up at the stars.

"Whatcha thinking about then?" He looks over at me.

"Oh, I don't know. Just, how we finally managed to get to this point in life."

"Yeah, I think about it everyday." He looks back up at the stars.

"What's you're opinion about it?" He pauses and frowns. His eyes don't leave the sky.

"I wish we could go back and relive every moment." I frown and turn my head to look at him. He has hazel eyes and pale skin. His caramel brown hair has bits of grey in it. He turns his head to look at me. "What's you're opinion?" I smile at him.

"I wish it would never end." He smiles back and opens his right arm out so I can snuggle into him, I do and he kisses the side of my head.

"All journy's and adventures end somewhere."

"I know. I just hope we will always be known as Ashleymarieegaming and Bajancanadian." He laughs.

"Well of course we will. I mean, no one, will ever forget us. Our fans will never live us down. We are all a legend."

"True." We giggle together and sit there for awhile in silence as we enjoy our precious view of the night sky.

"Wanna go back inside? Me and you verse Jerome and Louise in a game of pool?" He smirks. I laugh at him.

A world only we live in. *Mashley Fanfiction*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant