A Star In The Sky

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Ashley's POV


I sat in my room, crying. I couldn't believe what I just did. I got up and logged onto my computer and went on Mitch's channel on YouTube. I watched his most recent video which was a battle dome he did, that I was in. I sat there the whole time crying my eyes out but laughing at the funny parts. The sadness started to disappear until I looked at the comments, that's what my mind exploded. 

I fell off my chair, breaking down into a million pieces, I screamed at the top of my lungs and I crawled over to my drawer where my blades hid.

"Ashley!" Tara burst through the door. "What the fuck is wrong!? Holy shit." She ran over and hugged me as tight as she could. I couldn't escape her grasps and I finally gave up and hugged her back and cried into her shoulder.  

"I'm so sorry." I cried.

"Sorry? About what?" She loosened her grip on me. 

"Bothering you. You didn't have to come in here and do this." 

"Ashley." She giggles. "You were screaming and crying hysterically. You sounded like you were dying, of course I was going to come in here." She lets go of me and wraps her arm around my shoulder. "Can you tell me what's wrong now?" I let out another tear or two from my eyes. 

"Mitch. That fucking bastard." I break again. Unstable and unable to hold myself together. 

"What about him? Did he hurt you?" I can see the anger building up in her. "I swear if that little shit hurt you." Her voice carries off. 

"No Tara." I stop her. "I love him. I love him so much and I don't want too. It's bad enough I get as much hate as I do on my videos. Now i'm going to get hate from loving him." I take a deep breath and try to pull myself together again. "And yesterday, I was talking to the guy I liked and he asked me out and I automatically said no! It's just in my mind, Mitch was there and Mitch would hug me and kiss me and make me feel wonderful and always be there for me and my mind just told me that I had Mitch in my life and I didn't need anyone else. But in reality, he's not fucking there, and he will never be there for me ever again. That's whats killing me the most." I put my face in my hands. 

"Ashley, I thought he liked you back. Didn't you guys have a little fling while you were on vacation?"

"We had our first kiss together. That was it. I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me and he just wanted me to be happy or something and that's why he did it." 

"Well the only way to find out is if you call him."

"He lives in Canada." 

"Skype dummy." 

"But what's if he's busy or recording with someone or someone else joins us or I mess up or-" She cuts me off.

"Ashley! Chill out! My goodness girl. Would you like me to talk to him?"

"Hell no. You'll probably steal him away from me." She gives me a 'really' look. 

"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or what." 

"I don't know Tara. I can't talk to him. He doesn't like me." She starts shaking me.

"Ash. You are talking to him, but you are going to look much better. Let's get you dressed up a little bit or nice looking and you guys can talk." 

"Tara." I start.

"Nope, too late. I love you too much to watch you suffer like this." I pull her into a hug.

"Thanks." I sob. 

"No problem. Now come on, let's go fix your make up." She smiles at me. I rub my eyes and look at my fingers which have my eye makeup all over them. She giggles. I smile at her and she puts out her hand. I grab it and she pulls me up and walks me back to her room. 

~~Flashback Over~~

I sit back in the chair and open my eyes. I'm in an unfamiliar empty room. I stand up and walk around, Alesa's and Tara's stuff was on a table against the wall. I walked out of the empty room and into an open hallway. The hallway was long and had many different rooms and entrances and exits from across or to the side or wherever you imagined. 

I put my hand up on the wall to help me keep my balance. I stop for a moment and pulled out my phone which was vibrating in my pocket. I look at my phone to see Tara calling me, I put the phone up to my ear and leaned against the wall. 

"Hello?" My voice was faded.

"Ashley?" She sounded like she was crying.

"Tara, what's wrong?" I paid more attention and then turned to start walking down the hallway again. I hugged the wall and listened to her. 

"Where are you? We've been looking everywhere for you. Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, i'm-" I hear a voice in the back round.

"Tara, is that Ashley?" I could hear the anxiety in Jerome's voice. "Mitch! Over here! Tara has her on the phone." His voice carries off. I pick up my pace a little bit, walking faster down the hallway. There was a glass opening that formed around a part of the hallway. I stopped to look out the window of it. It was pouring down raining and I could barely see anything. I looked down at the garden below me to see Ryan and Rob and Mat searching for something. They were soaking wet. 

"Ashley!? Ashley. Where are you? Is everything okay? Are you okay?" Mitch has been crying.

"Mitch i'm fine. What's happening? Why is everyone freaking out?" I look up and continue down the hallway a little faster than before. Trying not to trip over myself. I hear voices at the end of the hallway and an entrance to something. 

"You were next to me a second ago after the rehearsal and then you disappeared. I thought you went to the bathroom or something but you never came back and 20 minutes later I started getting worried. Nobody knew where you went and I couldn't find you anywhere and it started pouring down rain. I just, I thought I lost you. Where are you?" I reached the end of the hallway and poked my head through the big doors that lead to the main part of the church. Mitch was facing the front of the church and nobody else was in the room except Tara, Alesa, Jerome and Louise. Tara was pacing around the room. Adam walked in from the back and spotted me. 

"ASHLEY!" He points at me. Everyone turns around to look and Mitch immediately sets down the phone and runs down the isle to me. He pulls me into an a bear hug and doesn't let go. 

"God dammit Ashley." He sobs into my hair. 

"Mitch, let go. You're hurting me." He loosens his grip and caution fills his eyes. 

"I'm sorry." Tears were streaming down his face. "It just scared the shit out of me. Especially when it started pouring down raining. You didn't answer your phone or anything and I got worried Ashley. Okay? I got worried." Tara comes up from behind him and hugs me tight. 

"We were all worried about you. Don't do that anymore." Tara giggles. Jerome rushes past us and yells outside for everyone to come back in. 

"Damn, i'm not that important. Jeez." 

"To me you are. You are my favorite star in the sky, my angel from above. Plus you are going to be the mother of my child. Of course you are important, and I love you so much." He pushes past Louise and Alesa who were around Tara and I and hugs me again. Ryan, Mat and Rob waddle into the church soaking wet. Ryan walks up to me and wraps his arms around me. Rob and Mat do the same thing and next thing you know I'm as soaking wet as they are.

"Ugh. Really guys?" I feel cold and disgusting.

"Hey. You deserve it sweetheart." Ryan jokes. Everyone giggles. 

"Do you think your ready for tomorrow? Do you want to go over everything again or what?" Mitch glares at me.

"Does anyone not know their part?" I look around at everyone. All silence. "Okay, I guess I'll see everyone tomorrow!" Everyone hugs each other and Mitch and I walk out to our car hand in hand and sit in the passenger's seat. I put my head back and I feel Mitch's hand find mine again. I hold on to his hand tight and shut my eyes and listen to the rain fall.

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