Mixed Emotions

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Mitch's POV


"MITCH! Wake up! Mitch!" 

I open my eyes to Jerome. He looked terrified like he saw a ghost or something.

"What? What!?" I look beside me and see that Ashley is missing. "Oh shit! Ashley!" I jump out of bed and race to the bathroom. 

Ashley is leaning against the bathtub. Her eyes are close which means she probably sleepwalked in there. The floor has blood stains all over it and Louise is cleaning Ashley up. I stand in the doorway and stare at her. My eyes start to tear up.

"Ash." I whisper.

"It was another nightmare Mitch." Louise looks up at me. "She's fine now. Just go back to bed and I'll finish cleaning her up."

"No. There's no fucking way i'm leaving her." I start to walk towards her but Jerome pulls me back. 

"Dude. Chill. She's sleeping. She'll freak if you wake her." I forgot about that. I calm myself and take a deep breath. Tears are falling down my face. 

"Why does she do this? What is making her do this? I need to know. I need to help her." 

"It's just what happens in her dreams. Simple as that. Nobody can fix this. But she will eventually stop having the nightmares." 


"Hopefully soon. They can't last forever." I sighed.

"I hope they don't. Seeing her do this is tearing me apart." 

"I know Mitch. I know. It's going to be okay. Trust me." Louise stands up and hugs me. I cry into her shoulder. 

"Can I take her back to bed with me now?" I mumble into her shoulder.

"Yes. But please be careful." I let go of Louise and Jerome pats me on the back. I take another deep breath and walk slowly over to Ashley. I pick her up gently, bridal style and I carry her back to my room.

I set her lightly on my bed. and put the covers over her. Louise goes over on her side and kisses her forehead.

"Everything will be okay Mitch. Don't worry." She comes over to my side and kisses the side of my head. She starts to walk away but I grab her arm. She looks at me cautiously. 

"Thank you." I can feel a tear run down my face. She smiles at me.

"I will always be there if you ever need me." I let go of her arm and she walks out with Jerome and they shut the door. I cuddle next to Ashley and hold her. Being very careful of where her arms are. 

I wake up later that morning to her sitting on our bed, staring at the bandages on her arms.

"Did it happen again, Mitch?" She doesn't even look at me. I sigh.

"Yes." She starts to cry and I get up and pull her close to me. 

"I'm sorry Mitch." 

"No, no, baby. Please. Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. Everything is going to get better, I promise. Just please stay strong for me."

"I'll-i'll try. J-just for you Mitch." She cries into my chest. "I just don't want to keep living like this Mitch. I just want to give up. Get it over already."

"No. I wont let you. I can't lose you." I hug her tighter. 

"But Mitch, I'm just afraid that one night, i'll kill myself. Not even know it. I don't want you to find me dead." 

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