Coffee Run

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Mitch's POV

5 hour's later we wake up, well, I do. Even though it's noon already I let Ashley sleep. We both had a very long night and today was a special day for both of us. I woke up to us both in our underwear, Ashley's head laying on my chest. My head was pounding from all the alcohol I drank last night and I didn't want to get up. But Alas! I had too honestly. I very carefully move Ashley off of me so I could get up and take a shower. 

I sat up and stretched. I looked over at Ashley who was dead asleep. I went over on the other side of the bed and I kissed her forehead, then her lips, her hips, and then her thighs and her feet. I put the blanket back on to her that she kicked off and smiled at her. She was beautiful when she slept. 

I put on some pajama pants and I walk out of my room and shut my door quietly. Trying not to disturb the others, or wake Ashley. I walked downstairs to find Jason and Tyler standing in the kitchen talking to each other. 

"Good morning sleepyhead." Tyler jokes. "What time did you guys all go to bed?"

"Like 5 hours ago. We all went skinny dipping last night." I yawn.

I walk over to the coffee machine and start making coffee for myself, I turn around to Jason and Tyler staring at me with complete shock across their faces. 

"And you didn't wake us up?!" Jason blurts out. Tyler and I laugh.

"Well, we figured you guys were drunk as a skunk and we didn't want to wake you. It was only Adam, Alesa, Louise, Jerome, Ashley and I. We played Marco, Polo the whole time."

"Wow, rude." Jason looks away and puts up his hand. I skip on over and give him a high five.

"Hey! That wasn't suppose to be a high five, jerk. I was trying to be sassy." Tyler and I laugh.

"You are the queen of sassy, Jason." Tyler speaks up and walks over to the fridge. 

I walk into the main room while waiting for my coffee to get done and I notice that the couch is empty. 

"Hey, did Ryan leave?" I peek my head into the kitchen. 

"No, he went upstairs to take a shower in my room." Tyler looks up at me and then giggles to himself. 

"What?" I ask confused.

"Did you see the pictures on his back? I still don't think he's notice them yet."

"Oh yeah! Ash and I saw that last night when we were going out to the pool. Who drew them, do you know?" 

"No clue, probably one of the other guys that was here. Or the girls he had grinding up against him." 

I walk over to the coffee machine and poured me some mocha coffee. One of my favorites. 

"Oh yeah, didn't see that happen. Ash and I kinda ditched the party after an hour or so and went upstairs to my room." My face starts to get red because I know Tyler is grinning at me behind my back.

"Oh really? Did you guys, you know, "get down tonight"?" Tyler starts to sing and Jason joins and starts singing backup. 

I chuckled at both of them. "Nah, we got pretty far though. Not all the way. Figured I should save that for later. I did enjoy the party though. It was a good one." I wink at them. 

"So what are you're guys plans for your special day?" Jason grins at me.

"Well, lets just say i've got a couple things in mind." I finish sipping my coffee and put the cup in the sink. "I'm gonna go take a shower. I want to say Hi to the godfather before he leaves today." Tyler chuckles. 

I walk back upstairs and go over to Adam's room. I open the door quietly and peek in to see if they are still sleeping. And of course, they are. I shut the door and walk over to Jerome's room and do the same thing. Jerome was up and watching T.V but Louise was still sleeping. Jerome looks over and see's me. 

"Hey G, can you go get me some coffee, I'm kinda stuck." Louise was on top of Jerome like Ashley was with me. I giggle and nod my head. I close the door silently and walk down the hallway. I run into Ryan on the way there. 

"GODFATHER! YOU'RE ALIVE! Oh my, it's a pleasure meeting you right now!" I get down on my knees and bow down.

"Duke. What the fuck are you doing?" Ryan starts to laugh and I get back up and laugh with him and we walk downstairs together. "Oh, hey, Happy anniversary by the way. I know how special it is for you and Ashley." I look at him and smile.

"Thanks man, yeah. I still can't get over that it's been 3 years. It's seems like I just asked her to be my girlfriend yesterday." I walk over to the coffee machine and pour a glass for Jerome. 

"Oh yeah, I bet. I wish I could hold a relationship as long as you."

"You know, honestly, I thought me and Ashley were going to be just a hook-up, but after having my first kiss with her, I fell in love. And I fell very hard. I had to have her. She made me feel like she was the one. The girl of my dreams, the love of my life. And I honestly believe she is. She makes me one of the happiest people alive." I smiled at him and look down, remembering some of my favorite memories with her. 

"That's adorable. I'm so happy for you man." Ryan pokes his head in the fridge and pulls out some orange juice. He grabs a cup and pours orange juice to the very top. I watch him start to drink it and that's when I decide to open my mouth.

"And that's why i'm going to ask her to marry me today."

Ryan stops drinking and spits the orange juice out all over the floor. 

"No way! Are you serious?!" He gets a napkin and wipes his mouth.

"As long as everything goes the way I hope it does today. Then yeah, I will." My eyes start to tear up and I smile at him.

"That's so awesome Mitch! That's going into the book of Power Moves!" He comes over to me and hugs me.

"Is there actually a book or something? Jerome seriously said the same thing to me yesterday!" Ryan starts giggling.

"Really? That's hilarious. I just made that up."

"He is learning from the Godfather." I wink at him. I turn around and grab Jerome's coffee and I start to walk out of the room. I stop and turn around and walk back to Ryan. I lift up the back of his shirt and see all of the drawing's that are still there.

"What the hell are you doing."

"Nothing." I laugh. I turn around and run up the stairs. 

I walk over to Jerome's room and see that him and Louise were still in the same place. 

"Geez Mitch, it took you long enough." Jerome sips his coffee slowly, trying not to burn himself.

"Sorry, I had to talk to the Milkman."

"Yeah! Yeah!" We both laugh.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I walk back up to my room and open the door. Ashley is sitting up and stretching. She pulls up the blanket to her really quick and realizes its me. 

"Good morning babe." I climb on the bed and kiss her. "Happy anniversary to the love of my life."

"And Happy Anniversary to the guy of my dreams." She kisses me back and I climb on top of her and kiss her a couple times. 

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I pause for a second. And come up with an idea I thought I would never have. "Do you want to come join me?"

Ashley stares at me and her mouth drops open. 

"Are you sure?" She says nervously.

"Of course, I don't mind!" Her face brightens and she gets up and grabs a towel from me. She kisses me again and I wrap the towel around her. We walk hand and hand down the hallway and into the bathroom.

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