Hot And Dangerous

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Alesa's POV

"It sounds pretty crazy in there!" Ashley points out. We're waiting in a very long line to get into this club. The music is very loud. Probably loud enough to hear it on the other side of L.A. I've had a lot to drink tonight believe it or not, and I'm feeling a little, tipsy. If you would call it that. 

"How are you guys feeling?" I lean against the building. 

"Not to bad." 

"Same." Ashley whispers. 

"We wont after this club!" I cheer. We all laugh and finally get to the front of the line. 

"I.D's Please." The giant guard proceeds. We pull out our I.D's and put them in front of his face. "Alright girls, go on in." 

We smile and walk on into a place that just took our breath away. People were everywhere. The song that was playing at the moment was Fade Away by Approaching Nirvana. This place was bitchin'. We all grab hands and move towards one of the bar's. There was like 5 or 6 of them in fact. We all pull out our phones and go into a group chat again. 

Me: Alright. I'll order shots.

Ashley: I'll find people to dance with.

Louise: Lets just dance together. Like grind on each other and stuff. 

Me: Woah.

Ashley: Woah. That actually sounds like a good idea. Either way we will find other people to dance with anyway. 

Me: True. Alright. Dance for a little bit and then I'll find you guys and bring you back here and see what to do. 

Louise: Perfect. 

Ashley: Awesome. :) Order 3 shots each babe. ;)

Me: Roger that.

We all look up at each other and smile. I lean over the counter at the cute bartender showing some cleavage. 

"NINE SHOTS PLEASE." He winks at me and brings out a tray of shots. 

I distribute them to each of us and we just down them right there and then without counting. It was going to be a very good night. The three of us all skip to the middle of the dance floor and start dancing with each other. Ashley was right because a few minutes later a couple of guys found us and grabbed a hold of our waist and taught us a couple of "dance lessons".

Later on, I decided to go back to the bar to grab a beer. Ashley and Louise were still getting down and dirty with the guys they were with. I leaned over the counter at a new bartender and he gave me one of the best beer brands they had without charging me. While I was leaning over the counter, I felt someone's hands grab a hold of my waist and pull me close to them. I giggled and felt their mouth find my neck. I moaned and turned around to look at them. 


My eye's grew big and I smiled nervously. He smiles at me and leans into kiss me. I accept it and pull him away from where he could see Ashley and Louise. I grabbed my beer and took him into a bathroom with me. 

"Has it been two hours?" I pull him in close to me nervously. 

"It's been three actually. I got bored waiting and wanted to come in and hangout with you guys." 

"Oh, wow." I laugh nervously and pull out my phone. 4:30 AM. I go into the group chat and text Ashley and Louise. 

Me: Adam is in the club. I pulled him away from where he could see you guys. We're chilling in the bathroom right now. Break away from your guys and go to the bar. Quick!

"What's wrong?" He looks at me concerning as I put away my phone.

"Nothing. I just texted Ashley and Louise and told them to meet me at the bar." 

"Oh. Okay. Well, while we wait for them-" He grabs a hold of my waist and lifts me up onto the counter next to the sink. I giggle and I wrap my legs around his torso. He sticks his tongue down my throat and he moves his hands up to my breast. I let him. Just because I want to give Ashley and Louise some time to get back to the bar.

Adam and I sit in the bathroom for a while, being dirty with each other. I can't help but think how guilty I feel about grinding with those other guys. I grab my beer and take a sip. Adam takes it from me and drinks the rest. He lifts up my dress and takes off my underwear. It's a good thing we were in a single bathroom together and we locked the door because it would be very weird if someone walked in. He moves his mouth down to a place he hasn't gone to in awhile. I moan.

"Adam, are you sure?" He doesn't stop. He puts a thumbs up and continues. "Adam," I hesitate. "I think we should go and get Ashley and Louise. We can finish this up at the TC house." I run my hand through his hair and let him finish what he's doing.

He looks up at me and nods. He takes my underwear and puts it back on me and lowers my dress. I give him one last kiss and I hop down off of the counter. He washes his hands and I look in the mirror and fix myself. I pull out my phone and see a message from Ashley. 

Ashley: Shit. Alright, Louise and I are waiting for you guys at the bar. 

Me: Okay, cool. Coming out now.

I put away my phone and grab Adam's hand. We walk out together back into the bar. Ashley and Louise are sitting there drinking and laughing. Louise spots Adam and I and they both stand up and walk over to us. I grab Louise's hand and she grabs Ashley's and Adam leads the way outside. 

We jump back into the car into complete silence. I grab Adam's hand and we drive back home. 

"Holy shit. It's 5 in the morning!" Ashley looks on her phone.

"I know. Crazy. I'm ready to go home and crash." Louise relax's into the leather seat. 

"Same." Ashley and I say at the same time. 

It's been a good night.

Ashley's POV

I walk back up to Mitch's room and plop down on our bed. I pull out my phone and dial his number. He answers after three rings.

Mitch: "Hello?"

Ashley: "Hey babe."

Mitch: "Goodmorning beautiful. Did you just wake up?" 

Ashley: "Actually, I just got home. Been a crazy night."

Mitch: "Glad to hear it. Jerome and I will be home today around 5 or 6."

Ashley: "Yay! Louise and I will be there to pick you guys up. I can't wait to see you." 

Mitch: "Me either. I feel lonely sleeping in my bed all by myself." 

Ashley: "Oh really? No Merome?" I giggle. I can hear the smirk in his voice.

Mitch: "I mean, I tried. But I like Mashley a lot better." 

Ashley: "Me too. I'm gonna go try and catch some Z's. Text me when you're 30 minutes away."

Mitch: "30 minutes away? You really must be tired." He chuckles.

Ashley: "Hey. Don't hate."

Mitch: "I'm not hating! But you need sleep. I'll text you when we're close. I love you."

Ashley: "I love you too babe." 

I hang up the phone and jump into bed. Completely exhausted. I text myself a reminder really quick saying to pick up Mitch and Jerome. I put it back on my night stand and drift away into the sweet scent of our bedsheets. Very excited to see him tonight. 

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