A Journey

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Jerome's POV

"Thank you all for watching. Make sure that you slap that like button and check out Mitch's channel in the description below!"

"That's right! And make sure to subscribe if you haven't already!" 

"See you all later!"

"Bye bye!"

And with that, we ended our 3rd hunger games recording. We figured we can just record on the plane or when we get to Mitch's condo. Mitch leaves the Skype call and I shut down my computer and finish packing. Louise walks in with a cup of coffee. 

"I'm so sorry about your friend. I knew someone who had that disease before, It broke my heart when they passed. I can't imagine how you guys must feel right now." 

I look at her and see that she's staring at my suitcase. I walk over to her and kiss her softly. 

"It's okay. It's just, I don't know. We were childhood friends and we never really talked after that. I'm kinda going to just support Mat and Mitch. They were super close to him and it hurts to see them like this."

She sits down on the bed with me and hands me her coffee. I take a sip and she puts her arm around me. 

"I understand." 

"And I'm sorry i'm leaving on such short notice. I have no clue how long he want's to stay up there, but I hope that Ashley could comfort you while i'm gone, she's gonna need someone too."

"Yeah, Ashley and I can start planning her wedding or something."

"Woah, now that sounds like a journey!" I joke. "I just wish I could take you with me."

"Nah, I'll be here when you get back, Okay?"

"Well I sure hope so." She smiles at me. 

"I love you."

"I love you too babe." I pull her into me and kiss her as passionate as I can. 

"Jerome!" Mitch yells from the other room. I slowly break apart from Louise and give an annoyed look.

"Yeah, Mitch?" 

"Can you come here really fast?" 

"I guess." I get up and walk into the room down the hall. 


"I just reserved tickets. We have seats next to each other and I made them round trips. I only want to stay out there for 2 days at least. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, totally fine. I didn't really want to stay up there for too long anyway. What time is our flight?"


"Oh wow. Alright that's fine." 

"Cool." He goes back to packing and I walk back into my room to finish up as well.

~~A couple hours later~~

It's about 9:30 at night and It's 30 minutes to the airport. Mitch and I get our things and say goodbye to everyone. Ashley and Mitch have been staring into each other's eyes, holding each other. Even though I've been holding Louise for a couple minutes now. I give her a couple kisses and I break apart from her. It was painful. Mitch and Ashley did the same and we walked outside together. Our heads down, silent. 

We get to airport and go through security and everything. We sit in the waiting area for where our flight will be taking off. Still silent, haven't said a word since we left the house. 

I look over at the Starbucks that is to the right behind me. It's calling my name. 

"Hey, i'm gonna go over to that Starbucks over there, you want anything?" Mitch looks up at me.

"Can you get me my normal, please?"

"Yeah, sure buddy." I walk over to the line and stand there for about 5 minutes or so. When I finally order, it feels like an hour before I get my coffee. I'm getting a little anxious. They bring it out and I quickly mumble a thank you and walk back to Mitch. Mitch was tucked into a ball, sleeping on the chair. I carefully set the cup on the table next to him and pull out my phone. I take a picture of him and send it to Ashley. 

It was 11 o'clock and our flight leaves in 30 minutes, I decided to wake Mitch up before he fell into a heavy sleep. I shook him a little and he jumps at the movement. 

"Hey buddy. I got you some coffee. Our flight leaves in 30 minutes. Just thought I would wake you up." 

"Thanks." He looks at his coffee and takes a sip of it. "Mm."

The attendant at the entrance of the gate opens it up and tells us that we can go in. We all make a line into the entrance and give her our tickets and go find our seats. When we do, I pull out my laptop and my headphones and check out my email and stuffs. Mitch seems to be falling back to sleep. My poor benja.

I pull out my phone and look at the response Ashley sent. 

Ashley: Aww, so wish I could be there right now to hug him. 

I smile at it and look over at Mitch.

Jerome:Yeah, sitting on the plane now, I feel bad for him. He's tired and heartbroken. 

Ashley: Ugh :(

The captain comes over the intercom and wakes Mitch up. We put away our electronics and let the plane take off. I close my eyes and turn on my music. I fall asleep to the rhythm on the music and relax. 

Mitch's POV

I wake up later on to the captain's voice over the intercom again telling us that we have arrive. I look over at Jerome who is very asleep and I shake him a little. He rubs his eyes and takes off his headphones. He looks out the window and notices we've landed and he starts gathering his things. 

We walk outside to Montreal and I call a taxi. I text Mat and tell him that we've arrived. It was about 4 in the morning and I honestly couldn't wait to get back to my condo. Haven't been there for a very long time. We hop into the taxi and the driver looks like a total assface. I tell him the address and we ride on out. 

I walk up to my condo with Jerome and open the door. It smelled really weird inside and the room was clean. I turn on all the lights and put my stuff in my room. I check out all the rooms and make sure that nothing weird was inside or anything. I point to the room for Jerome to go in and I start to set up my computer in my room on my desk.

I take out my phone and look at the text I received from Mat. 

Mat: Sweet. Update on Stephen- Doing okay. He doesn't look like he is in pain or anything but he know's that his time is coming. I've been crying for a while at my place. I can't man. I just can't.

Mitch: I know man, i know. I promise I'll be there in the morning. I also have Jerome with me too. 

Mat: Cool, glad he could come. I'm gonna try to sleep, text me when you guys wake up tomorrow. I'll give you guys more details.

Mitch: Sounds good. See you then. 

I plug in my phone on my charger and change out of my clothes. I go and lock the front and back door and turn off all the lights. I give Jerome's door a knock and yell 'goodnight'. He yells 'goodnight' back and I jump into the bed and drift off to sleep. Trying to relax and stay calm. I feel so lonely without Ashley in bed with me. I wish she was here.

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