Troubled Thoughts

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Mitch's POV

I sit on the couch for a couple of minutes, just daydreaming as if I will find all my answers there. Do I want to marry Ashley? I mean, I love her more than anything and I DO want to spend the rest of my life with her. I'm interrupted by Jerome who is dressed in casual clothing. He stands in front of me and spins in a little circle.

"You look fabulous babe." I joke. He glares at me and goes into the hallway to look at himself in the full body mirror. He spins around again.

"I could of sworn I just saw that string a moment ago." I stare at him and laugh. I turn back and try to find my thoughts again. Jason and Adam finally finished setting up the DJ table and turn up the music. There's no way I can think with this happening. I look back at Jerome and then realize, I still have to get dressed. I've been sitting on the couch in my swimming trunks and a T-shirt. I get up quickly and run up to my room. I think about getting dressed right away and then think better of myself and take a shower first. I strip down my clothes, grab a towel and quickly walk to the bathroom, making sure no one noticed. I get in safely and lock the door. My thoughts start to come back to me as I stare into the mirror, staring at myself, thinking about Adam's question. 

What if she isn't ready? I close my eyes for a moment but am overwhelmed by the loud music bursting through the bathroom door. I rub my eyes and jump into the shower. Only spending at least 3 minutes in there. I put on my towel and quietly peek out the door, making sure no one is around. The coast is clear and I jog to my room, locking the door. I look through my closet impatiently trying to find something decent. 

Someone starts knocking on the door and I scream "hold on", as I'm still butt naked in the middle of my room. I grab some underwear and some slim black jeans. I take a deep breath and open the door. 

Jerome stands in front of me as he notices how red my face is. 

"What's wrong G?" Concern filling his eyes. I don't feel like telling him to leave and I walk over to my bed and lay back on it, Jerome slowly follows and stands in front of me. 

"When do you think I should ask Ashley to marry me?" I look up at him, realizing the question probably sounded really stupid. He raises his eyebrows in shock and turns around to go shut the door. He comes back over and sits on the bed next to me.

"Oh. Well, do you think you're ready?"

"Yeah." I breathe out, feeling uncertain with myself. I think for a moment when Jerome finally finds words again and speaks up. Making me feel a little more confident with myself.

"Do it. She loves you more than anything and I know how much she would love to marry you. And you love her the same exact way. All of your friends that are going to be at this party tonight, we all love you guys and will support you to the moon and back. You guys have been together longer than any of us, and that's incredible. I would do it Mitch, and if you want, I can go with you to go pick out a ring or something. Geez Mitch, marrying Ashley would be one of the greatest power moves in the book." He jokes.

I look up at him, amazed at what he just said, but I have the urge to add a silly comment. 

"There's a book?" I laugh, and Jerome laughs with me. 

"Yeah, maybe the godfather will bring it tonight." Me and Jerome laugh even harder together. I lay there for a moment and I get up and walk over to my sock drawer. Jerome looks over at me and tries to get a glimpse of what I'm looking for. I pull out a shoe box and put it on my bed. Jerome sits up and faces me. 

"What's that Mitch?" I get all my focus off of the box and look at him.

"Its a box. C'mon Jerome, get real now." I grin at him. "No, it's where I keep all my "Power moves". I put quotes with my fingers around Power Moves and I slowly open the box. Inside is a bunch of memories that I stored away, for when I was sad or something I would look at these memories. There's photos of me and my friends from different conventions and I find a photo of me, Jerome, Rob and Mat and Christian, at my condo a few years ago when we threw a huge party and went nuts. We did that crazy live stream that night too. I smiled at that nights events. Jerome takes the photo from me and brightens as he remembers too. He giggles and says quietly, "That "coffee" tasted great that night." I laugh and return to what I was doing. I swipe through some of the photos as one catches my eyes. I pull it out to see its a picture of me and Ashley from Munich. I was dressed in my lederhosen and she had a beautiful red lederhosen type dress on. We were in an elevator and heading to meet Adam, Jerome and Ryan to go to Oktoberfest. Wow, that felt like forever ago. 

I stare at it and remember that me and Ashley had our first kiss together on that trip. I remember that night very vividly. Jerome takes the photo from me and looks at it. I dig deeper into my box when I finally find what i've been looking for. Jerome notices and waits for me to get it out. I pull out a small box and open it. Inside is shiny, glossy, diamond ring that had white swirls on the sides and a small swirl in the middle of the ring. 

"Mitch.." Jerome stares in awe. His face is lite up completely and he looks up and smiles at me. "Its, beautiful, Mitch. When are you going to do it?" 

"Soon." I smile at him and close the small treasure and put it in my power moves box and tuck it back in my sock drawer. 

"How has Ashley not found that box yet Mitch? You guys share everything together!"

"Ashley wouldn't go through my personal stuff. I know her better than that. And that's something I love about her. But I have to finish getting dressed G."

"Right. I'll be downstairs." Jerome grins as he walks out the door. I quickly grab him before he walks out and whisper to him.

"Please don't tell anyone. I want it to be a surprise for everyone." Jerome nods his head in agreement. 

"Of course dude." He turns around and walks out. I shut the door and resume back to getting ready.

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