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Mitch's POV

"Thanks Mat. Update us every now and then on Stephen." Jerome and I get out of Mat's car with our luggage. 

"Yeah. Thanks Mat." Jerome smiles and does a little wave.

"Don't worry, I will. When are you guys gonna come back up again?"

"Soon hopefully. I miss Montreal sometimes." I smile at Mat. "Maybe i'll bring Ashley up with me next time." Mat roles his eyes.

"Yeah. I mean-" 

"Oh! I forgot to tell you. Ash and I are engaged!" Mat's mouth drops open in shock.

"Congrats bro! Now all you need is to get her prego!" Mat laughs. My heart drops.

"Shut the fuck up. That is a long ways away." I sighed. "I'll see you later though man." I feel anger somewhat build up inside me.

"Have a safe flight jags!" And with that he drives away before we could respond. 

We get past security and go to a waiting area. 

"You hungry G?" Jerome sets his stuff down next to me. 

"Not really." I can't stop thinking now.

"Mitch..." He walks over and sits next to me. "You know better than letting Mat get to you like that. He's probably just jealous that you have such an amazing life and all he does is get drunk off his ass. Just forget what he said and focus on something else. That might be a little to hard but just try."

"Thanks Jerome." I mumble. "I just fucking hate when he does that to me." 

"I know man. Don't worry about it. And don't ask Ashley about it either. That might freak her the fuck out." 

"True." I sigh. "Are you going to Starbucks?" His eyes lite up. 

"Of course! How could I not?" We both laugh. "Want you're normal?" 

"If you can." 

"Gotcha covered!" He smiles and walks on to the short line. 

I put on my head phones and drift away to the sound of the music. Until I hear some people behind me talking. I open my eyes and look behind me. There was one teenage girl about 17-18 and two boys, maybe 12 or 13. They all smile nervously.

"Hey dood!" One of the boys perk up. 

"Oh hey guys! How's it going?" They all stand there smiling, not saying a word. Jerome comes up behind me. 

"Here's you're coffee G." He sets it down next to me and looks up.

"Oh, well hello! Are you guys fans?" Jerome smiles.

"They aren't talking. Too much excitement I suppose. But yes, I believe they are." I smile at them and make contact with the girl. She smiles at me and blushes. She pulls out her phone and goes into the camera app. 

"Min-mind if I take a picture with you guys?" She hesitates. 

"Of course!" I stand up and get behind her and Jerome does the same. She takes 3 different pictures and then turns around and faces us. I smile. Jerome walks over to the two boys and starts talking to them.

"Would you like an autograph too? Or something for me to sign?" I joke. She pulls out a silver sharpie and hands it to me. She then unzips her jacket, reveling one of our "Power Moves only" shirts.

"Oh wow! I love it. Where would you like me to sign?" I take off the cap of the sharpie. 

"Over my heart." She chokes on her words. "So whenever i'm sad or before I hurt myself, I can just remember that you are always in my heart, Forever." She starts to tear up. My smile disappears and I gently grab her arm and pull up her sleeve, which had millions of cuts covering her arm. I start to tear up a little bit and look back up at her. She starts to cry and I lift up her chin and wipe away her tears with my thumb. 

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