Party Ninety-Four

Start from the beginning

“Yes,” Jess replied, “Yes, oh my God Yes!”

Smiling, Michael held his arms open and she jumped into them, knocking his one legged, kneel stance off balance and toppling them both to the floor.

“Awwwwww!” Niall cried, “Thank you for that, you’ve put me off my tea.”

Rolling her eyes, and grinning like an idiot, Jess straightened up, then pulled Michael up. Smiling, he gently put the necklace around her neck. Examining it, she frowned.

“Why does it say you complete mess?” she asked.

“Because,” he replied, “You complete me, and your ship name is mess and I just… I thought it was…”

“Perfect.” She interrupted, “It’s perfect.”

Smiling, he leaned down and kissed her.

“Yes!” Luke cried, “You two are tp, I sail you so hard! And no you’re cannonball!”

“Luke buddy,” I laughed.

“Yes?” he asked.

“You know what never mind,” I sighed, “They’re my tp too.”


“It’s bullshit man!”

“Go on buddy, vent this is what guys night is for.”

“Like I’m Calum Hood! I was fucking pimp since preschool! I’m in a band! I work out, I’m a nice guy, I’m intelligent… enough, I play the base, the base is damn sexy! And I’m tan! How the hell do you three, no offense, ghosts have girlfriends while I’m sitting over here like the fat kid with a crush on his friend’s Mom!”

“You just haven’t found the right girl yet mate.” Michael answered with his mouthful.

“Yeah,” Luke added, “You’ll find someone.”

Rolling his eyes Calum took a bite of his burger.

“Let me ask you this.” I questioned, “What do you want in a girl?”

“Boobs,” he answered robotically.

“Seriously Cal?” Luke sighed, “Life’s not all about boobs, what if you met the woman of your dreams but she was like a breast cancer survivor and had no boobs.”

“Obviously it wouldn’t matter but….”

“Exactly,” I interrupted, “Tell us what you look for in a none douche bagish way please.”

Sighing, he took a bite of a fry.

“Well,” he muttered, “She’d have to be nice, sweet, an animal lover. Innocent, not like, so she can look me in th eyes when I fuck her in the mouth but like… not a total world running bitch, just simple and happy to just sit there and do nothing but cuddle. I think she’d have to love music, be able to cook pasta bake. Someone loving, and good, someone creative like maybe in a band or an artist or an actress or a writer, not like an accountant, someone I could have fun with. A best friend, like one of you three but in girl version.”

“She sounds adorable.” Luke said with his mouthful, “If I wasn’t with the bee I’d take her.”

“Luke, it’s not bee, it’s bae.”

“Oh,” he replied, “Well, you get my point.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Calum sighed.

Silence taking over as we enjoyed the enormous burgers in front of us, I had just raised the thing to my mouth when someone stopped in front of our table. Sighing, I looked up annoyed and was surprised to see a familiar looking girl. She was tan, with dark curly hair, and had a rose tattoo on her shoulder which was just visible from the neckline of her Mayday parade t-shirt.

“Hi!” she greeted.

“Hello,” Michael answered.

“Oh my God, hi,” she gushed, before turning to me, “I don’t know if you remember me, you probably don’t, I’m sorry. But I saw you in the bar, and my friend was there and um, I had to take her back to our room because she got wasted…. I asked you for a hug…. Everyone probably asks you for a hug what am I sa….”

“No, no, I remember, it’s Mia, isn’t it?”

“Oh my God!” she cried, “Yeah!”

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I’m writing a book,” she answered, “I came here so I would know the area, it takes place here. That, and my grandma lives here.”

“You’re writing a book?” Calum asked.

“Yeah,” she replied, awkwardly, “But um, I’m sorry for bothering you guys, I just wanted to say that I love you all you get me through a lot and this is super awkward but yeah, you’ve helped me so much so I wanted to say thank you.”

“Oh, well I’m glad we could help.” Luke replied, “I don’t know how we did, but I’ll take your word for it. Would you care to explain?”

Giving him a look, Calum elbowed him in the ribs before turning back to her, “Are you here alone?”

“Uh, yeah,” she replied.

“Do you wanna sit with us?” he asked.

“No she can’t!” Luke cried.

“Luke, quit being rude!” Michael spat, of course she can.”

“No she can’t!”

“Why not?” I demanded.

“It’s Wednesday.” He replied in a duh tone, “She’s not wearing plaid.

Looking down and realizing we were all wearing plaid I almost face palmed.

“Luke!” Michael grumbled, massaging his temples, “We dropped out of school…”

“Because we don’t need the grades?”

“Jesus, I can’t with him, I can’t!” Michael cried.

Smirking, Calum shrugged off his sweatshirt, then rising from his seat, draped it over Mia’s shoulders.

“Oh!” she cried, “um, what are you…”

“Sit at our table.” He replied, pulling out a chair for her.

“Oh my gosh, really?” she asked.

“Really.” He replied, “Nice to meet you, I’m Calum.”

This is the end, my only friend the end.

Jk, not yeat, but it's coming like a bat out of hell. I have 94 chapters and I think the max is 99.

I'm freaking out man!

So I know have two questions.

1. Why do the boys keep tweeting that we should treat others like we want to be treated and stuff, I'm lost.


2. Do you want a sequel?

Thanks for reading <3

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