Part Fifty-Eight

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“This is going to be so fun! We’re going to get to spend a whole week together! We can go to the beach! Your hair is getting so dark it’s like not even a little bit blonde anymore. And we can have a movie day and I’ll meet your brother and sister! And we can….”

“Destiny.” I said slowly, cutting her off before she went any further.

Looking around the busy airport, she blushed, “Sorry, was I babbling. I do that when I’m excited.”

Looking down at her hand which was held in mine I squeezed my eyes closed.

“Ash are you okay?” she asked.

“No, to be perfectly honest.” I admitted.

“What’s wrong?” she questioned, “Am I talking too much?”

“No, um…. I just…. I know we’re not officially dating or anything but we need to um…. We need to take a break.”


“I need some place Destiny.”

“Oh, so do you want me to go sit by Michael or…..”

“Destiny, I don’t…. um.”

“You don’t what Ash? Just spit it out.”

“I can’t, be with you.” I muttered.

“Wait!” she cried, pulling her hand from mine, “Are you…. Are we….. are you like breaking up with me?”

Wincing, I nodded.

“No!” she cried, “Ashton please! Whatever I did I’m sorry! I’ll be less awkward, I’ll talk less I’ll leave you alone, I’ll give you all the space you need but please don’t….”

“We’re done Destiny.” I whispered.

“Why?” she whimpered, starting to cry, shattering my heart in my chest, “What did I do?”

“Nothing.” I said quickly.

“Then why are you doing this to me?” she cried, rubbing furiously at her eyes.

“Destiny, don’t cry.”

“Well what am I supposed to do? What is it Ashton am I not pretty enough for you?”


“God, I knew this was going to happen. What I want to know is why the hell you [pretended to care about me, because knowing it was all lie, is the cruelest thing you could’ve done Ashton.”


“I need you.” She whispered, “To need me to stay.”

Blinking back tears, I looked down at my hands.

“If you…. Say you don’t feel a thing… I’ll walk away right now Ashton, but you have to tell me that first. If you don’t know…. I think maybe it will just be for the best if you just let me go.”


Okay.” She whimpered, rising to her feet, “I just want you to know Ashton….. You just ripped my heart you.”

“Destiny please…” I sighed, reaching out for her.

“Just let me go Ashton.” She whispered.

Lowering my hand I sunk down in my seat, my heart aching, as the girl I loved ran into Liz’s waiting arms. Receiving disgusted looks from Michael, Gemma and Liz I buried my face in my hands.

I’d never forget the way she looked, her smile, her eyes, the way I felt inside whenever she came within a hundred feet of me, and the names of the songs which made her cry. She was still wearing the shirt I had let her borrow, but now she was gone, for us, there was no tomorrow.

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