Different Proposal

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This is based on a textpost by @loveday55 and I hope you all appreciate me coming out of hibernation to write this.

Based on a text post by @loveday55

It was LBs evaluation to become a senior agent. With all her field experience it was a ludicrous waste of time however as was customary here she was. Baker (her assessor and believe me she had strong opinions about that) was next to her as they prepared for the dive. Back on the benches was Hitch who was up after her while the other handful of qualifiers had already jumped. Baker had purposefully held her back and she'd had to watch as the arrogant men 'showed her how it was done'. She was better than all of them- infinitely so, and while they would deny it, everyone knew it. Baker most of all.

"Okay LB,are you ready?" Baker asked.

Rolling her eyes LB responded, "As I'll ever be"

"Perfect, so before we go there' just one quick thing" said Baker

LB groaned,"Bradley for the last time I know it already, unfold the chute 4 seconds from the ground, touchdown and start running, find the hatch two miles upstream. So for pity's sake, what is it??!!!"

The audible frustration in her voice was mixed wth the slightest bit of anger. She was ready, there was nothing more he could throw at her she knew this mission she would pass this evaluation and that was all there was to it.

"I was just thinking that I've never really liked your last name"

"Reallllllly? Because we all know how precious it is to me and how much I adoreeeee it"

"You should change it"

"Ha, and any suggestions as to what I should change it to?"

He turned to her looked her straight in the eyes. Then he gave a little smirk and reached his hand up to his goggles.


And with that e pulled them over his eyes and fell from the plane into a perfect dive.

LB stared down at him confused.
He fell towards the ground.
She watched him for a goo few seconds before something clicked.

She whippped her head round and turned to Hitch who was sitting behind on the benches. Suddenly her eyes burned like fire and you could hear the adrenaline in her voice.

"Holy crap!! Did he just...? Bradley Baker get back here you moron!!!!!"

She leapt from the plane and forced herself downwards and at the last possible second her gold canopy billowed from above her head.

Bradley stood from where he'd landed and watched her.
It could have only ever been LB.
And boy was she going to kill him when she landed.


As soon as LBs combat boots struck the ground she was running, striking, striding towards him. Not even taking the time to un clip her parachute she just hauled it up in her hand. When she reached him he just cocked his head to one side and gave the same smirk he had before they jumped.

LB looked at him, her dark waves, flying behind her their wildness an extension of her. In the background of the forest she outshone the stars. And here eyes blazed harder than the sun.

First she threw down the parachute and then LB slapped him across the face.

It was safe to say this was not the reaction Bradley had expected- he bent over and let out a grunt of pain.

He looked up at her.

"I take it that's a no...?" He said tentatively as she glare at him with those blazing eyes.

"Oh shut up" she said as she reached up and took his face in her hands and kissed him passionately. He leant into her and took her 7 his arms. When they eventually stopped he picked her up and spun her around and hey both laughed as Bradley shouted

"Yes!! Yes!!"

Ruby Redfort: Embers of Memories( A Bradley Baker/LB fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now