Amster Green

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This is the proposal of Bradley to LB all those years ago. It may crop up again laters but ... spoilers!! I loved writing this, so so much.

We stand just adjoining to my office at spectrum. Through a tunnel opened by a secret switch behind our photo at Disneyland. Concealed within a concealed room. Bradley planned this, asked me to meet him here. The avenue is lit by candles that process as far as I can see. He designed these tunnels for our use, I don't yet know where they all lead. This I expected , but the candles, the candles are very new, very unpredicted. Very ... romantic. He's planned this, he's up to something.

'Okay Bradley, what's all this about? The candles? Come on Baker what's the deal? Some kind of anniversary I forgot about?' I say jokingly punching him lightly in the arm. He laughs and beams his perfect million dollar smile at me. He puts his arms around me
And I shuffle closer to him.

'You don't like candles, is that it?' He jokes but I see a hint of seriousness in his tone.

'Sorry my love, yes I love them, it's just I'm confused as to why?'

He looks slightly nervous. Little movements give him away, barely noticeable to anyone but me. The Bradley Baker, defeater of criminal masterminds and the greatest agent Spectrum has ever seen. What could he have to be nervous about?
And around me of all people, his girlfriend and more importantly his best friend. We've known each other so many years now. So many memories. So many laughs, tears and dilemmas that bind us together.

'Okay, I'm going to ask you to do something but first , do you trust me?' He asks

'More than I can ever say'
I reply and I mean it. I trust him to the ends of the earth, luckily as we tend to end up there a lot! And I love him. If I could find the words to tell you just how much I would, but nothing can encompass the magnitude of what I feel.

The life of a secret agent is filled with spies and double agents and heartbreaking betrayals. But the one person I can trust without a shadow is a doubt is him. My Bradley. The only man I've ever loved.

'Close your eyes Loveday'

I lead her through the tunnels: past the exit to my office, past the exit to Pinkerton's , past the exit to my house and her house. Eventually we reach my designated venue. I lead her up the stairs and to the entrance disguised in the old oak tree. A certain point on the bark reveals a door. A juvenile etching of LB+BB in tiny scratches put there many years ago. I open it from the inside and take her with me

We walk unseen from the oak tree to the bench adjacent. The bench encircled  by candles that flicker and sparkle with a soft golden glow.

However we do not sit.

The sun has long since set, but the greenery of the park is lit by the twinkling stars, streetlights and the warm glow of the candles. We stand opposite each other, her hands intertwined in mine.
I bring the back of her hands to my lips and deliver a final kiss before letting go.

I walk two paces back. She is stunning. The moonlight dances upon her olive skin and shines on her deep chestnut hair. Elegant and immaculate as ever she stands there. Eyes closed and a patient expression painted on her face.

I take a deep breath.

This is it.

My chance to ask the question I've wanted to for so long. The only question on my mind...

I kneel down and pull out the ring.


Ruby Redfort: Embers of Memories( A Bradley Baker/LB fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now