I love you

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Bradley is about to set off for a fortnight's training mission in Tibet. He is walking up to the plane along a stretch of cornered off runway.( A prequel to this will be added at a later date).

I've thought a lot about how I was going to write it and to be honest I'm still not happy but here goes. There may be multiple versions of this so just a warning 😂

Bradley's POV:

'Bradley!' Shouts Loveday running up to the fence that separates the runway from the surrounding countryside. I look at the plane. We set off as soon as I arrive and I know for the fact the pilot is requesting haste.

I walk forward so there is about 10 meters between us.

'LB' I say 'Look is really love to stay and talk but I have to get going. It's a long way to Tibet and I know for a fact Millfield won't be happy if we get there late. Can it wait until I get back?'

'No. No it can't' states Loveday

'I have to tell you something, I don't have time to tell you all the details of why or when. But you can't go without knowing this' she says hurriedly.
She swallows.

My heart stops, is she okay? I will stop this mission in a second if she needs me.

I can see her expression from here. Full of intent, beautiful, determined and strong as ever. I wait nervously for her to speak, for a moment she doesn't say anything, as if she is working up the courage to enter an unknown world. Her brown eyes look at me, they can see all I am. She finally speaks,


'I love you Bradley Baker'

And nothing else matters. Everything falls away apart from me and her. We stand meters apart, as if we are the only two people on the planet.
I place my helmet down on the ground and stride towards her.

In no time I'm at the fence. She looks at me apprehensively. I'm awestruck, how could she ever have any doubt.

I'm kissing her and sweeping her up in my arms, lifting her over the fence that separates us. I spin her round.
We break apart.

'I love you Loveday' I say elated 'You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that' she beams her happy smile at me. That smile that melts my heart, and I reciprocate.

Loveday who loves me back responds
'I've known for a long time now, I just had to stay it'

The emotional energy runs high and we end up both laughing a small love filled chuckle. She has my heart, and I'm happier than I've ever been.

My mind is brought sombrely back to the mission
'Give me a minute' I say.


He loves me, and he runs off. I stand transfixed by my thoughts and frozen to the spot for 58 seconds.
58 seconds.
He's never been one to break a promise to me and besides, he knows how much I expect punctuality. After knowing me all these years I'd expect no less.

'What's happening with your flight?' I ask
'I'm not going-'
'You have to go' I interrupt. It breaks my heart for him to leave me and that I don't know for a fortnight that he is safe, but I know it's right for him to go.

'Loveday' he says softly 'let me finish,
I'm not going without you'
He stretches out his hand for me to take
'Come with me' he says

I smile, my smiles are for him.
'Anywhere and everywhere'
I take his hand and we run towards the plane. Together.

Ruby Redfort: Embers of Memories( A Bradley Baker/LB fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now