River Song

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Guys this has been dwelling in my notes for a while so I'm sharing it. Many mistakes etc but if anything is too awful for your grammatical sense to stand then tell me...

For a second we just sit there looking out over the park. I'm surprised a complete stranger just sat down next to me but that is the last concern on my mind right now.

'River' she says

'LB' I reply

'I'm assuming from your expression that you're having about as good of a day as I am'

'No my day was not good if that's what you're asking. But I don't think yours is comparable to mine'

'Husband?' she asks

'Fiancé' I reply

'So what's the problem?'

I don't know what it is about her, mabye an echo of myself. But I find myself with nothing stopping me from telling her.

'Well in all honesty. Today I discovered my fiancée that I for all intents and purposes killed 11 years ago is actually alive and breathing'

'That must have been quite a shock' river says slowly

'Yes. Yes it was' I say

'I forgot to mention. He has absolutely no idea of who I am'

And I see something I'd never thought possible. A look of empathy.

'You?' I ask

'As I'm probably never going to meet you again and you won't be able to convince anyone anyway I might as well tell you. Me and my husband we keep on meeting in the wrong order. He's a madman in a blue time travelling box. Each time I see him I know him more and he knows me less.
Today I saw him, that man I love . and when he looked at me it was as if I didn't exist, he looked straight through me he barely knew my name much less what I meant to him

I'm sorry says LB

The women turn to each other, eyes glassy

'How come you believe me?' asks river

'I can see pain in your eyes that can only have one cause. And this day has brought so many shocks what's a little time travel going to change'

She lets out a little chuckle at this.

'Tell me one thing'', says LB, 'How do you carry on?'

She stands up and wraps her long striped scarf once more around her neck.
'I love him. In some form, somewhere, my husband is always out there. Even if he doesn't know me, somewhere in his heart- deep down- I'm there.' She says.

And with that she leaves as swiftly as she arrived. Her footsteps echo down the sidewalk until they too fade.

Ruby Redfort: Embers of Memories( A Bradley Baker/LB fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now