Amster Green (II)

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... I kneel down and pull out a ring.

'Open your eyes' I say lovingly.

She obliges and gasps. Her hazel eyes widen and her hands are clasped over her mouth and her heart.

I begin to speak. Beginning to speak the words that have so long sat unexpressed in my heart.

'Loveday, I've known from the day I first set eyes on you all those years ago in Australia that you were going to become someone incredibly important to me.
You became my best friend and in turn we travelled all over the world together on missions.

Through all of that you were the one person I could trust- I can trust. And I do, implicitly.
I promise you my Loveday that no man to touch this earth has ever loved or trusted someone as I do you.

I've always known you were important to me. It over these years I've fallen deeper and deeper in love with you every day.
And I never  want to lose you.

Loveday if you will take me by the hand I will hold you close eternally. I will venture with you to the depths of the valleys, to the deep oceans, amongst the stars.

As you said that day you first said you loved me  'Anywhere and Everywhere'. I want to go with you for all the days of my life. Wherever you go, I want to be there with you.

I've known for a long time now that you complete me. My life means nothing without you to share it with.
Loveday , Byrd ... Uggerlimb'

She half laughs half cries at this.

'I know you've always hated that surname. I want to share everything I have and all I am with you.
You, the only one I've ever loved.

Loveday, will you marry me  become LB for a second reason. Will you do me the honour of becoming Loveday Baker?'

By now I'm trembling, I've laid all my emotions out on the line. It's taking all my effort to keep my hand still.

A second passes between us as a single year runs down her cheek. The longest second of my life.

'Yes' she says, her voice breaking.
' It's all I've ever wanted'

I smile, brighter than I ever have before. I stand to my feet and slip the wrong onto her finger. A perfect fit.

She looks at it for a second and then flings her arms around my neck. I spin her round in an embrace. She clings to me, her face showered in a radiant happiness brighter than the sun.

My Loveday. My fiancée.

We stay there for a good few minutes. Holding each other, belonging in each there arms.

Eventually we break apart and she speaks.

'So I suppose I'll have a thousand more women wanting me dead now?' Smirks Loveday.

'Maybe so, but I think we both know you're more than a match for them, more than a match for anyone' I say

'Except' she says letting each word roll of her tongue ' for possibly you'

'Oh I think you'll find you are the perfect match for me' I say smiling, my heart filled with so much love for her.

'Besides, none of them stand a chance. To quote the ever wise Hitch' we both chuckle

'I only have eyes for you'


And they sit. Arms wrapped around each other on the bench. Looking up to the twinkling stars in a circle of candles. Both knowing that their love for each other outshines the stars, every last one.❤

Unfortunately in their bliss they had forgotten one little rule- There is always a chance that someone somewhere is watching you. Someone who happened by chance to walk past a bench and spy two figures she knows very well. And I smile to myself.
Fall further for him LB 
Your downfall will be even greater.

I really hoped you liked it, I spent a long time debating wether or not to put the last bit in so tell me if you want it removed 😂 (half of me is in agreement with you). Remember commenting is fun!!

Ruby Redfort: Embers of Memories( A Bradley Baker/LB fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now