Guest Writer: Katie C

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Guys check out what my best friend wrote. I made her read BAYD for my birthday aha. She thinks this should have been what happened at the end of the coffee shop scene with LB and Bradley

Don't like it. I wanted more drama, something like 'LB was good, very good, at hiding her emotions, and never had it been more evident than it was now as she stared into the face of this man who she had loved more than any other living soul, this man who she had thought dead at her own hand... And spoke to him calmly, her voice as blank and smooth as the walls of her office.
But those words, seeing the forgiveness she had been denied for eleven years written in his face, was enough to bring it all crashing down.
It was gone almost instantly, dragged back behind the walls she had built over those long, long years, but for a split second it was there.
Pain and guilt and grief so raw and harsh it was hard to look at her, and impossible to look away.
And then it was gone as if it had never been, but not before the look in her eyes had seared itself into Ruby's brain because how had she lived, how had she functioned at all when the pain was all there was, how had she held her people together for over a decade when the grief was slowly tearing her apart from the inside... where had she found that strength?
And she realised she might never respect anyone as much as she respected LB in that moment'

Is it just me or is it amazing?? Ima pass on any comments to her from you guys

Katherine Xx

Ruby Redfort: Embers of Memories( A Bradley Baker/LB fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now