Bow Tie

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When agents go on formal missions they have to be in formal wear.

Bradley Baker can't tie his bow tie. His first formal mission was with LB and after him giving up the struggle LB laughed and tied it for him. She has done it ever since. It had actually now lead to LB having to be timetabled out of things to be able to tie it for him.
All of Spectrum kind of accept this as they don't want to cheat him of his 5 minutes with her before going out into danger.

One day Hitch walks in on Bradley trying on his new Spectrum issue suit. He watches as Bradley ties his bow tie PERFECTLY. He coughs pointedly and smirks at Bradley.
Bradley shoots his a serious face.

"You saw nothing"

The truth is Bradley learnt a long time ago from watching her hands. At first he didn't do it for himself as it felt like betrayal. Later he realised he couldn't face missions without 5 final minutes with LB.

Ruby Redfort: Embers of Memories( A Bradley Baker/LB fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now