Fight Scene

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I loved writing this scene, I think action is always really fun to portray as you can go in so many directions. Please comment if you want more of this type of stuff -Katherine

'Hello fellas' I say

Looking around at the room of what I'm taking to be as assassins by the guns and apparent martial arts training.

'Gee these bodyguards seem to get uglier every year...'

'Quit the small talk!' commands the taller man.
'Cuff him'

I groan, two men have materialised behind me and low and behold, I'm handcuffed.

"Well it seems we've caught you Baker, no way of escape and no back up. "
The boss guy holds up my watch. His eleven other men that circle me look as smug as he does.

"Oh yes, you see I learnt my lesson, never leave a Spectrum agent with their watch or they'll end up calling for help"
The throws it against the wall.

"Well there's no way for anyone to help you now" and he laughs.

Little does he know that there's always a way out. I have my cufflinks. A twist to the left later and I know that LB will come and fight with me. If there were 5 men it would be fine but with the 12 there are I'd feel a lot more comfortable with her fighting alongside.

I'd counted on this, what I hadn't counted on was her already being there. Oh she's good. I catch her smiling in the corner of my eye behind the shoulders of one of the bodyguards. She winks at me and then the fun really begins.

I let a smile rise up on my face before saying,

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint you gentlemen. But there is always a way out"

They look bewildered and at that same second LB punches the man in front and he falls to the floor, simultaneously I break free of my handcuffs.

She runs through the gap left in the circle. I deliver a roundhouse kick to another man and then turn so we're facing back to back, leaning against each other.

'You seem to have got yourself a situation Baker'

'Trouble does seem to have quite a thing for me'

'Troubles not the only one' she chuckles

I smile at this 'Nice job with the punch by the way, you really are good' I say

The men look confused, there's nothing like flirting to throw highly trained assassins off their game.

'You're not too shabby yourself my love' articulated LB.

One of the men lunges at her but she's good, fast and quick too.

And she launches into a butterfly kick which knocks the man spiralling to the ground. Impossible.

'You did not just manage to knock him out with a butterfly kick?!' I say exasperated with awe, 'I swear that shouldn't be possible'

'Anythings possible Baker' she chuckles, straightening out her jumpsuit.

That impossible girl. She's the best, there's no doubt about that. Always a new way to surprise me.

Ruby Redfort: Embers of Memories( A Bradley Baker/LB fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now