Coffee Shop

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Set in the morning star coffee shop where Mo Loveday (Bradley Baker), Hitch and Ruby are sat

What has Ruby got herself into now?
I picked up her emergency signal to Hitch and in light of recent events and the trouble that kid has gotten herself into I decided to follow it up. In just shy of 8 minutes I arrived at the seemingly mundane Morning Star Coffee Shop.

Seriously Redfort?

I stepped in quietly through the door, dubious to what could be so important it is necessary to call back one of our best senior agents from his mission. Some kind of psychopathic cappuccino on the loose?

It took my trained eye a mere second to find them, sat talking to a bearded figure I couldn't make out from where I was. Making no sound I move closer to get a better look.

I freeze still in my bones

Bradley Baker

A million questions explode like fireworks in my head. Every last one of them is irrelevant to the fact he's alive.
Not dead ...

This can't be real, I must be dreaming, some kind of cruel trick. I can't dare hope. My love may be alive?
But how after all these years. I killed him, shot him stone dead and watched his craft plummet like a rock from the sky. We searched. Oh how I searched in rivers of tears for him, but there was no indication he had survived.

From that moment when my emotions were so visible, when I was so raw with grief, I vowed I would never show them again. My book was closed to the world, the colour drained from my life.

I searched for a long time after the crash. I spent a years worth of research agents time going through CCTV and databases for anything.
For any sign of him...

I realise I haven't registered their conversation. I take a step forward silently, scared to make a noise in fear I may ruin this blissful illusion. But then I realise this is real, he is alive. I hear a voice which I trust above any other. A voice I thought I would never hear again.

'So do we know if Loveday is a first name or a surname?' He says

And it shatters my heart.
My head throbs, he doesn't know me. He doesn't recognise my name. It strikes me like a bullet through the heart. My best friend, the man I am so hopelessly and helplessly in love with. The one who underpins all that I do even now 11 years after his death. That idiot of mine with who I share all the memories I hold most dear.
That I used to share ...

I'm snapped back to reality by Ruby saying
'Perhaps Loveday became someone Baker trusted.'
It nearly brings a smile to my lips. She doesn't know the half of it (of course) but thinking of our trust for each other. Thinking that he is alive.
I trust my love to the ends of the earth and believe me, we've been many times. As for him trusting me ... well.

The words from his proposal all those years ago ricochet in my head as clear as the day they were spoken.
''No man to touch this earth has ever trusted someone as I trust you. Loveday, wherever life takes us, to the depths of the valleys, to the deep oceans, amongst the stars, I will trust and follow you. And if you will only let me, I will hold you close eternally''

Does Bradley trust me? More than anyone and everything else.

'So the million dollar question is:who is this Loveday?' says Bradley

I know my response. And the simple powerful truth that it holds.

It takes all my strength to keep standing as he looks at me. Those eyes, they look at me, he looks at me.

Ruby Redfort: Embers of Memories( A Bradley Baker/LB fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now