Memory one shot

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Heya, this is just a thought  that I had of a possible mission that Bradley could remember with SJ. Just a one shot with a different kind of LB I imagine they're like 21? Obviously hitch is younger. Any prompts or LBaker moments you want me to write about just comment or PM me. Enjoy!

Hitch and I watch as Loveday takes out the four men. In saving our  target from being kidnapped we had ended up being captured ourselves. Well "captured". It wasn't exactly our finest moment or quite according to plan. Fortunately I know how to escape from handcuffs quite easily.

Hitch is aware of  this and he flashes me a knowing smirk from his seat. I could go and help my Loveday but she is (as always) supremely capable. Besides, I have front row seats to the action.

I'm in awe. Within 15 seconds the four men are unconscious and sprawled across the ground. She turns around to face us and flashes me a flirtatious smile before flipping the hair from her face

'Enjoying the show are we Baker?' She smirks

I go to respond but Hitch beats me to it. 'That was seriously cool LB'

She says, ' I learnt with the best'

'Well' I say, flattered but sensing some smart remark

'When he actually decided to fight that is'
There's the smart remark.

I show her my best innocent expression 'LB can you not see that poor Hitch and I have been helplessly handcuffed to these chairs?'

'Yes . It reminds me of a similar situation on our vacation to Mongolia. Ooh Do you remember how we escaped?'

'How could I forget?' I flirt
'Remember the look on Odella's face as we walked straight through her security and out the building'

'She looked like steam was about to start pouring out her ears!' Loveday says before changing her tone slightly

'do you know what else I remember?'she says

'What?' I ask

She leans in towards her chair. Her face suddenly close to mine. My heartbeat speeds up.

'How easily you can get out of handcuffs' she says with a dangerous smile and tips my chair backwards at alarming speed.

Hitch takes a sharp intake of breath but she catches the chair just before I hit the ground. She down so she can align her lips right next to my ear. I hear in her tone of voice the enjoyment she is getting from this.

'Don't get lazy my love' she whispers sensually.

And with that she lets go and my chair drops the final two inches to the ground. She starts striding off and she is out the door before she calls
'Hurry up you two, we've got work to do'

I think about all the doubt around Loveday when she joined spectrum. If a woman would be capable of agent duties.
And here she was, one of the finest agents spectrum had ever seen.

In a second I break free of the handcuffs and jump to my feet. Smoothing down my suit sleeves I turn towards Hitch.

'You may want to hurry up, if I've learnt one thing in life it's that LB doesn't like to be kept waiting'

Hitch POV

And with that he ran off after her. You could hear their laughter.
'Wow' he thought to himself. 'Bradley is a lucky guy'

Then he remembered Bradley's warning. He wondered how far his luck with spectrum would go if he didn't catch up with them soon.

Ruby Redfort: Embers of Memories( A Bradley Baker/LB fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now