Not sure what to title this one

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Hey Katherine here, this is just an idea that popped into my head back in august that I thought I'd actually write up. I may expand more on this it depends what you guys think. I have a lot of ideas and ways to link things.
Btw this is all AU... or is it?

Some background for this chapter:

LB had a miscarriage,the only time she has ever been anywhere near as devastated as Bradley's death

She was so helpless needed him.
He was there for her all the time.
They clung to each other as they had nobody else that could understand the pain.
They were crushed
Spectrums two best agents unable to work.
Pure undiluted agony.

And all of Spectrum mourned with them.

So the second time that LB found out she was pregnant she was terrified. She holed herself up in her office for the first two days. Attended her meetings but wouldn't speak. Hair scraped back into a messy bun. No makeup. Her eyes with dark circles. Bradley had been away in England on a conference with MI6 for the past weekend and wasn't there to see her. Without him to have to smile and pretend for LB effectively closed herself off from the world.

She had started to feel sick the day that he left but she knew that if she showed any sign of illness her husband wouldn't dream of leaving her. He was steadfast in that way, she was ill or upset he was with her. Always. Likewise she reciprocated, they wouldn't leave each other for the world, hated the distance, counted the days until their other half got home.

She threw up repeatedly. She had only once experienced nausea like this before. A quick test later confirmed her instinct. Positive.

She sat shaking, I can't go through this again, I can't lose another child. I can't.

And she hadn't stopped shaking internally since. All these thoughts go through on a loop they don't stop.

All of Spectrum were worried. Their agent would avoid all questions with one word answers and often neglect to answer any at all. Pinkerton knew LB. He had worked with her and Bradley for the past. This was no ordinary dispute or let down. LB is certainly not the kind of person to overreact in this way nor one you would describe as open. She would never seem this upset without something huge behind closed doors.

He sent a message to Bradley ~ LB, home fast as you can.

Almost immediately he responds. I hear the telephone ring and I don't get a chance to speak before he says

"What's happened??!"

"She needs you, I don't know what is is but she looks scared. Bradley I've seen her meet danger face to face and it's never been anything like this.
Are you going to come back??"

"I'm on my way to a helicopter right this minute"

"MI6 let you use their helicopter?"

"Not exactly ... all I care about at the moment is LB"
He says it as if I don't already know that. I watched them learn to trust each other, learn to let down their guard, fall in love. They would both die for each other in a heartbeat. It's their weakness, own one and you own the other. To hurt one is to hurt both.  

I've seen them on top of the world together. I've seen them in the darkest pits of grief. If anyone can comfort LB it's him.

"Find her. And let me know if there's anything I can do."

"I will. On both counts" he says, and then transmission cuts out.

Bradley's POV

Within 8 hours I arrive, driving at top speed from the helipad to Spectrum. I find she has gone home from a worried Hitch. This worries me.
LB doesn't give up, she doesn't leave early. I slip into her office and quickly go through the secret entrance to our tunnel network. I run along the corridors. Knowing each turn like the lines on my hand. The route from Spectrum - home.

I walk up the stairs, press my palm to the wall and the door slides open.

I walk through to he lounge and see her curled up on the couch. She looks so small, so terrified.
'Loveday?' I say. Using her real name to portray how worried I am.

Her head shoots up to look at me and then she hides behind a curtain if her hair. I kneel down in front of her and place my steady hands over her trembling ones. After a few seconds she retracts and makes the smallest gesture to suggest she needs to be held.

Oh Loveday I think. I put my arms around her, holding together whatever brokenness she has within.

"Loveday, what's happened?"
I ask seriously. I need to know who did this to her, who made her this upset. What caused her this pain.

"I... I ..."
she tries to speak but her voice shakes too much for words to form.

She takes as deep a breath as she can and then says

'I'm pregnant'
And the words keep tumbling out after that.
'I'd felt odd for the past few days and the day you left I was really nauseous'
She's pregnant
' I, I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't leave and ... and I knew you had to go'
She's pregnant and I left her.

'So I went and had a test done. And. And ... and'
She speaks broken speech in broken type.

'Bradley I am so so scared. I can't lose another child, I can't'
Oh my goodness. She's so scared. She is so so fragile you could knock her down with a rose petal.

We sit and a mental plan forms in my head. Nothing will happen to LB or the child, I will defend them both until my very last breath.

To be continued ...

Ruby Redfort: Embers of Memories( A Bradley Baker/LB fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now