Saving LB

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Me back again, this is set when LB and Bradley were still teenagers before they became a couple. I thought it would be interesting to see how Bradley would react to LB in danger. Also I'm really really bad at coming up with villan/ character names so please comment some if you have any. Please comment anyway 😂
Hope you like it!X

Bradley's POV: Him LB and Elena (evil) are stood on a frozen river.

Elena stands there on the ice. She knows she has lost. We've uncovered her main plot and alerted the main Spectrum Security back at HQ. What's more her precious detonator now lies damaged beyond repair beneath our feet. In the sparkling dark currents of the frozen river. She looks to retrive it, but she knows it is checkmate.
Me and Loveday have stopped her, there is no way back for her

She snarled and says 'You've stolen everything from me Baker'
She looks around 'Now I'm going to return the favour'

I stand there in confusion. What can she possibly do. What move does she have left to make?

Elena takes a small device from her pocket. I freeze still
'no' I whisper for I know all to well what it is.
She throws it at Loveday's feet.

The heat grenade...

It's as if time moves in slow motion. I see Loveday look at me, her red flashing me a desperate cry for help. But it's too late,
The ice is scorched from under her feet
'No!' I scream, but my warning is of no use and she is taken into the clutches of the freezing rapids underneath.

I run, faster than I ever have towards the hole. I think ahead and take off my coat simultaneously and dive through the ice into the cold waters.

Everything is still for a second as I'm submerged and I fight my instincts to breathe in. I look around for her. Loveday.
It's too dark to see, where is she?
I think for a few seconds and remember 'panic will freeze your brain, stay calm'

Panic will not save Loveday. I need to save Loveday, panic is a luxury I cannot afford. I think of the torch function on my escape watch. Of course.

I shine it around looking for her. After a few torturous seconds of murky darkness I finally see her about 10 metres away. Swept up in the current.

She must me unconscious.
My head pounds with her name.
Loveday. I race towards her. I thank Spectrum for all the free dice training they put me through. Without it we'd both be dead.

I finally make it. I've got her, yes unconscious. I need to move fast.
I find a spot where the ice looks thinner and set about breaking through. Every muscle in my body aches and my lungs are crying ott for air.
Stay with me Loveday

I break through and climb out, it takes all my strength to drag Loveday from the river. I lie gasping for air. Only for a second. Then I notice.

She isn't...

She's not breathing!

'Come on, come on Loveday' I cry as I start CPR. Tears stream down my face. She can't die, not now, not here.

The longest and most painful minute of my life passes. All I can think is of the rise and fall of her chest.

'Don't leave me' I weep
She splutters and coughs, rolling over into her side. That cough is the best and sweetest sound I have ever heard.

Ruby Redfort: Embers of Memories( A Bradley Baker/LB fan fiction) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum