Chapter 3 (Why I hate the fates)

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Percy pov

I groaned throwing my alarm clock at the wall wincing as I heard a crash. Oops. Guess I'll have to ask mom for a new one. I groaned again. What was that they said? With great demi-godliness comes the great need to sleep through school. Ya, that was it. Unfortunately my teachers didn't agree. Stupid mortals. I groaned a third time, this was getting old, I'd forgotten to do my history homework on George Washington and the Korean War, or something like that. Oh well, it's not like a passing grade will protect me from monsters. However it will protect from an angry Annabeth. Seriously you don't want an angry Annabeth after you unless you like full body casts and love doctors and needles. I shuddered just thinking about it.

I successfully got out of bed after the fourth try. Why did they make beds so comfortable? Did they not know it was hard enough waking up in the morning to go to school **cough*prison*cough**

Dinner with Annabeth had gone well, though mom just had to mention my baking catastrophe. Annabeth wouldn't stop laughing so I had splashed her with water. Big mistake. Warning never splash Annabeth with water unless you like ending up on the floor with your arms pinned painfully behind you and a knife at your throat.

I pulled on some clothes that didn't stink too much. Probably only a couple days old. Eh, it will work. I went to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. No use trying to brush my unruly hair. Grabbing an apple I walked out the door. Then walked back inside to grab my backpack. Stupid ADHD. I sighed as I started walking to school again. Lately some dumb mortals had been attacking me to kidnap me or something. I'm not sure. I had merely knocked out the first too then gave in and asked Leo for some tranquilizer darts. That way I could take them down without harming the mortals.

I had asked Annabeth about them and she said they were from some top secret organization known as SHEILD. Some top secret organization they were. I mean every time they came after me they were like "Perseus Jackson SHEILD wants you brought in for questioning." I mean they said it out loud, if they were secret agents they'd make something up like Kidnappers United or something like that.

I glanced up seeing something out of the corner of my eye. I tilted my head curiously. A metal man? Another one of Daedalus's inventions gone rouge? And just my luck he was headed towards me. Stupid fates. As he landed in front of me I began to curse the fates in Latin and Greed along with various other foreign curses Annabeth had taught me.

"Perseus Jackson you are under arrest by orders from SHEILD."

I sighed their goes my attendance record, not that it was that great anyway.

'why do the gods hate me?' I thought as the metal m an pointed a glowing hand in my direction.

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