Chapter 11(interrogations are frustrating with rambling demigods)

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Percy pov

I woke up slowly. I yawned bringing my hand up to rub my eyes. Except, I couldn't lift my hand. I frowned, slowly opening my eyes. I blinked confused as to where I was. I was sitting on a chair with my hands cuffed to the table in front of my and my ankles to the chair legs.

"What in the world?" where was I? this certainly didn't look like camp. Then it clicked. The Avengers. I gasped. What had happened to my friends? I sighed remembering that they had gotten away. Ugghhh, Annabeth was going to kill me. That is, if SHIELD didn't do it first. Actually, if they killed me Annabeth would probably go to the underworld and bring me to life just so that she could kill me again. Athena kids and grudges.

I tried to get Riptide out of my pocket but with my hands cuffed to the table I wasn't able to. I also couldn't feel my water powers. Annabeth had talked to me about special restraints that could block a powerful person's powers. I guess they worked on demigods too.

I looked around my surroundings again. The room was a plain grey. Walls, floor, ceiling, table, and chairs. They really needed to bring in some decorators. It was really dreary in here. Some blue would look nice.

My attention was drawn to what appeared to be a mirror. Must be a one-way window, I thought. Thank you Annabeth. She was constantly telling me random facts that interested her at the moment. She had wondered if something similar could work against Medusa.

I started tapping my foot my ADHD showing in that I was having a hard time keeping still. I sighed getting impatient and turned towards were I figured they were watching me.

"Could you hurry it up, I'm bored." There was no response. "I really should get going. My folks are going to wonder where I am. And you really don't want to make my friends angry." Still no response. "You know, it's really rude to invite someone here and then ignore them. You should really work on your hospitality skills. And this room is very boring. You should really consider hiring a professional decorator. Some blue and green would look nice. By the way these cuffs are really uncomfortable and no way to treat a guest. And the stereotypical interrogation room? Seriously? It's not in the least bit intimidating. And seriously, you think that by leaving me in here alone will make me more willing to answer your questions? It's only giving me more time to plan more glorious escape. Have you heard of Houdini? He was a good escape artist. You probably haven't since you are cooped up in your tower all the time doing nothing."

By now I was just rambling. Hoping it would make them come in so we could get this whole interrogation thing done with and I could go home to eat blue cookies.

On the other side of the glass....

"Will someone please get him to shut up. He's driving me crazy." An annoyed Tony Stark said. After the had picked up the boy they had surveyed the area in an attempt to find the other teens. They found nothing. It was like they had simply vanished. They had taken Perseus and locked him in the interrogation room to wait for him to wake up. Now though, now, they were all wishing he was unconscious again.

"Now you know how we feel every time you open your big mouth." Clint commented.

"Watch it bird brain." Tony said glaring, Clint just smirked.

"What's wrong? Finally find someone better than you at annoying people? Sorry, but it looks like you're just not the best anymore."

"Be quiet or I will personally make sure neither of you leaves the infirmary for a very long time." Natasha said glaring at the two who were acting like toddlers. They both immediately closed their mouths. Truthfully though, this Perseus character was beginning to annoy her too. Also there was the question of whether he had powers or not. She thought they should have taken more precaution in case Perseus did somehow have abilities.

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