Chapter 16(Strawberry Farms and Bug Spray)

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It's late and I should probably be studying for a test, BUT here I am! Let me introduce you to my best friend Procrastination!

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Open pov

The day had come. The end of the world was at hand.

Or at least it seemed that way to the Avengers and the demigods.

At the Avengers tower they were all scrambling around desperately trying to be ready in time.

"Clint! Where'd you leave my extra dagger!" Nat called from her room.

"Ummm....... I think I used it to butter my toast this morning." Said a voice coming from the vents.

"Tony you don't need to take all of your suits." Reasoned a calm Bruce. Or at least a Bruce who was trying to stay calm in an effort not to Hulkify.

"But Bruce!..." Tony whined. "If I choose one the rest will be jealous!" Bruce just slapped his forehead and wandered off mumbling something about the strange habits of techno geeks.

"Mr. Stark! What if I forget something!" screamed a panicking Spider who was currently pacing on the ceiling.

"It's Tony, kid. And I'm sure you'll be fine." Answered Mr. Stark, I mean uh... Tony. Who had finally settled on a suit to take, whispering apologies to all his other 'babies.' He walked out into the living room and stopped. Nat was chasing Clint with one of her daggers and Clint seemed to be muttering apologies. Something about toast? Peter was still pacing on the roof oblivious to Thor trying to get him down. Each time Thor jumped to snatch Peter from the ceiling he subconsciously used his spider sense to move out of the way. Luckily Tony spotted several packed bags next to Bruce who had his eyes closed and seemed to still be muttering under his breath. His face looked a little green, but Tony hoped that was from the green light bulbs scattered throughout the room. Remnants of last weekend's prank. Tony shuddered thinking about it. They were still cleaning the glitter out of, well, everywhere.

Tony decided to make his presence known when Nat was holding a dagger to Clint. "Hey kid," he said quietly knowing Peter would hear him. Peter glanced at him before dropping down beside Tony. Thor had previously given up trying to get Peter down and was standing in a corner eating his pop tarts. "how should we get their attention?" Tony asked. Peter smirked and Tony started regretting asking the kid for ideas. If he was fast enough maybe he could run down to his lab. Yes, that sounded nice. He could go back to polishing his suits. There were still a couple he hadn't named yet. But alas it was too late.

"FLOOR IS LAVA!!!!!!!" Peter yelled. Chaos ensued.

Clint had jumped up and was hanging from his hands from an open ceiling vent. While Natasha perched on the back of a chair still trying to swipe at him with her dagger. Thor had dived onto the table which had shattered under his weight. He just shrugged since he was still standing on a piece of the table and began eating his pop tarts. Bruce had just sighed and was now sitting on the couch. Peter of course, had attached himself to the wall. On Clint's insisting that that he couldn't stick to wall Peter had just raised an eyebrow and jumped so he was standing on Thor's shoulders. Thor didn't seem to even notice.

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