Chapter 9(Code names and all that)

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New Chapter!

There's action in this one, sorry if it's not that good I don't have a lot of practice with fight scenes.

I also can't do Thor speak that well.  If you guys have suggestions on how to rewrite his lines please comment them.

And now, the chapter!!!!

open pov

"Tell me again why we all need to be here?" asked Nico. They had been waiting around the park for about an hour now waiting for Percy to lead the mortals to them.

"Because, Death Breath, we're not supposed to use our powers but we still want the mortals to leave Percy alone. So we're here to intimidate them." Clarisse answered. Nico sighed, wishing he hadn't let them talk him into coming.

"I still don't think we needed this many people." He mumbled.


Percy pov.

School had gotten out a bit ago. Annabeth was taking a different route than me to get to the park so as not to arouse suspicion. As soon as I stepped out I felt people's eyes on me. The hair on my neck prickled as I walked. As I walked past the stores next to the school I glimpsed two people following me in the store window. Across the street there was a man in a baseball cap keeping pace. There was a black van idling about a block away as well. That was four. That meant that there were two more avengers who I hadn't spotted yet. Then briefly out of the corner of my eye I spotted a figure crouched on the roof of the town theatre. One left. I was nearing the park now and with a quick glance around I crossed the street and passed through the trees into the park. I made sure to head to the large pond that since it was in a less taken care of place not many people came there. This was our plan. So no innocent mortals would get hurt. My friends would be hiding in the area around there concealed by the mist wich Hazel had gotten better at controlling.

"You can come out now." I said not turning around. Gradually five people stepped out of the trees scowling. Well some of them were scowling. The one who I assumed was Thor was smiling.

"How did you know we were here?" the one with a bow said. Hawkeye I think. I smirked turning around and crossing my arms.

I shrugged "You're not very good at sneaking up at people."

"This is your last chance at coming with us peacefully." Black Widow said. She reminded me of Clarisse. It's her way or she'll beat you up.

"Like I said before, I don't go with strangers. And you guys are downright creepy, I mean, following a kid around and trying to kidnap him? I may not be the smartest in my class but I'm pretty sure that's against the law." Iron Man who had yet to put on his suit was gritting his teeth.

"Listen hear kid, we are the Avengers and we are going to take you under SHIELD custody because you are a terrorist. Which means," he said smirking, "that you are the one doing things against the law." He looked triumphant. I chuckled shaking my head.

"Wow, how does your ego even fit in your head? I mean you're as bad as... a person I've heard about." I corrected almost saying Hercules. Tony sputtered but Natasha narrowed her eyes suspiciously at me. "Well then," I said clapping my hands together, "are you gonna attack me now or do you wanna go get a coffee first?" They started advancing towards me "Hold up," I said, surprisingly they stopped. "It doesn't seem fair that it's your team against just me. So," I said smirking, "how about some of my friends join me." With that the rest of the demigods stepped out of the trees.

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