Chapter 12(Random Rants Get Results)

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I sat on the bed in the cell they had placed me. Everything was white. I mean seriously? First all grey now all white? The room was also pretty plain. A bed in one corner and a toilet and sink closed of with a curtain in another. There was a single light hanging from the center of the room which still lit the room fully. Probably so they could see me better from the camera in the corner. You could hardly even tell where the door was. There was only a think crack along the edges of where the door should be but even that was hardly noticeable. At least my hands were free though there was still a cuff attached to my ankle. I think it was another power blocker thinigie since I still couldn't control the water from the sink.

I was fiddling with Riptide when the door opened and an agent dressed in black came in with a tray of food which they left on the floor by the door. "Hey! You! I demand a trial! I have rights you know!" before I could say anything else he left without even looking at me. Rude. I sighed laying back on the bed.

"I'm booooored." I said. Maybe I could make them come faster if I annoyed them. I could use Riptide but I'd rather keep that a secret unless I really need it. "You guys are really boring. You know it's illegal to hold a person against their will."

"You're a criminal" voice said surprising me. Huh, they must have a speaker in here.

"First of all, I am not. Second of all, I demand a trial! It's my right as an American! I refuse to be kept locked up against my will! And for rich people you could do better than a sandwich!" I said pointing at the tray of food which held what I think was a sandwich but looked more like compost on bread. I paused. No response. Fine. "Guys I thought we talked about this. This room is very bland. I mean all white? Isn't that a hassle to keep clean? You should really take my advice and hire an interior decorator. I mean, if all your rooms are as bland as this one and the interrogation room I'd hate to see what the rest of the place looks like. Are your bathrooms, like, painted all black? Oooo, maybe your kitchen is painted all brown. I mean, I'm a guy and even I think this is poor decorating taste. Maybe you should imprison your decorator instead of me." I sighed. What else to talk about? I grinned.

"Hey, do you guys know why firetrucks are red? Well recently I met this smart guy and I was like, 'hey, do you know why fire trucks are red?' and he was all like 'of course I do' and so I asked him why and he told me the answer was because Firetrucks have 4 wheels and carry 8 men. 4 + 8 = 12, There are 12 inches in a ruler. Queen Elizabeth was a ruler. There was once a ship named Elizabeth that sailed the seas. Fish live in the seas. Fish have fins. People from Finland are called Fins. Finland and Russia had a war a long time ago. Russia has red on its flag. And that's why they're red. Cause they're always russian around.

I mean it may just be me, but that's genius. I bet the person who came up with that is billionaire. Huh. Maybe Tin Man came up with that. But that would mean he was ancient because fire trucks have been around for a long time. But who am I to judge. Maybe he just gets a lot of beauty treatments so he looks young. You know I once had a teacher who everyone said was around when the dinosaurs were. Once when a kid asked him the teacher just stared at the kid and told him that some things are meant to stay secret. Isn't that awesome.

I mean people have been theorized to have lived for hundreds of years way back then and it's just because human genes kept getting more spread out that we live less. Do you think it would be possible to like have an animal born with a lot of genes so that that animal could like live forever? I love animals. Except chihuahuas, I don't like chihuahuas. Or poodles. Dolphins are kind of iffy. I used to like dolphins but then I was on a boat one day and these dolphins started circling. Let me tell you, those dolphins had some sharp teeth. But I love horses. Horses are amazing. My girlfriend hates spiders. I used to not mind them that much but after she told me her experience with them I've grown to hat them too. She always carries a can of bug spray with her.

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