Chapter 14(Gambling with the gods)

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The Demigods were all squished together into one cell since the Avenger's Tower didn't have that many cells and the others were occupied with dangerous villains. It seems the Avengers still weren't that worried about a bunch of kids. They should really learn from past mistakes.

"Percy," Annabeth said.

"What's up, Wise Girl? Besides a Drama Queen of course."

She rolled her eyes as thunder rumbled in the distance, "Do you have Riptide?"

I nodded. It had been confiscated when the Avengers searched us but of course it had appeared in my pocket a little while later. Good old Riptide.

"Good," she said, "we may need that later to break these cuffs. But first we need to decide what to do."

"Can't we just wipe their memories?" Clarisse asked.

Annabeth shook her head, "Even if we wipe their memories there are probably files and documents on us and we can't possibility destroy them all there's too much of a chance we'll miss one."

"So, what should we do?" Asked Piper. Before they could discuss further a voice spoke through the speaker in the room.

"Perseus Jackson approach the door. You will be taken to questioning."

"Again! Seriously?! You've already questioned me! Twice!" I said holding up three fingers. '"You can question us all together." I said stubbornly. Trying and failing to cross my arms because of the stupid cuffs.

"That would allow you to share answers." Said the disembodied voice. It was probably a ghost or an eidolon. With my luck, who knows.

"What?" Frank questioned his face scrunched in confusion.

"What they mean is if we decide to lie we can come up with a lie together. If they question us one at a time we'll have no way of knowing what the others say so they can see if our answers match up." Annabeth clarified.

"Ugghhh, fine!" is said approaching the door which opened when I got close. Black widow was there waiting she escorted me to the interrogation room again. "Seriously! Here again!"

"What are you." Widow said getting right down to the topic at hand.

"Uhhhh.... Well, you see, I'm a seventeen year old boy, who is completely innocent and.." I got cut off by Widow slamming her hand onto the table. "OK," I said holding my hands up, "Anger management issues. Ok, deeps breaths, in and out, Hey I know a lot of people with anger issues and they say it helps to let your anger out on a punching bag or something, maybe that would help."

"What. Are. You." She practically growled.

"I feel that is not a first meeting kind of question. Maybe when we get to know each other better."

"I will separate each of your friends. Locking them up in cells in different parts of the country. You will never see them again. You are criminals who deserve to be locked up and we will figure out what you are one way or another."

I felt my anger rising. "Look lady," I was glaring at her too now, "first of all we are NOT criminals! No matter what information you have. It's probably wrong cause the Fates hate me. Second of all, all those supposed terrorist stuff was because we were being attacked and had to defend ourselves." I was scowling at her and could feel the pipes in the walls rumbling. So much for their power blocker cuff thingamabobs.

"What was attacking you?"

Di-immortals! I mentally cursed. "Nothing."

"You just said something was attacking you!"

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