chapter 5 (schooled)

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Tony pov

I walked slowly to the meeting knowing that I wouldn't like what I was going to hear. I opened the door to see everyone sitting still and quiet, meaning Fury must be madder than I'd thought. As I sit down I risk a glance at him. His face betrays no emotion except for a glare pointed in my direction. "Do tell me Mr. Stark, How a seventeen year old boy managed to escape from Iron Man!!" he starts quietly but ends up yelling his face distorted with rage. I stay silent. "Well?!" Fury screams.

I gulp, "the subject proved craftier than I had anticipated."

Clint guffawed "and he managed to out sass the Tony Stark." He said laughing but quickly shut up when Fury glared at him.

"Well, since you're clearly too 'unexperienced' for this simple mission one of the other Avengers will have to take on the mission." I sighed in relief, then gulped as he continued "And since you were unable to handle such a simple mission perhaps it would be better if I assigned you to pare work for the next month. And I will make sure Pepper does not help you." I saw Clint trying not to laugh and I glared at him which just made him smirk back. "However, if you manage to aid in capturing this terrorist I may reconsider. I will let the team decide who to send after this boy." With that he walked out of the room and the tension immediately dropped. Now Clint didn't hold back his laughter and neither did Thor.

"The might man of iron could not apprehend a mere Midgardian child. Even I could do such a thing without the help of mine hammer. Now tell who be this child who causes trouble?"

"Did you not read the file?" asked Natasha.

"The god of thunder has no need to do such things as read." Thor stated. I stared at him.

Steve decided to answer before the silence stretched to far. "the boys name is Perseus Jackson."

Thor's eyes widened "Why does man of Fury want this child."

"Because he's a threat. He has committed several acts of terrorism and must be stopped." Natasha said.

"He is no threat. Well at least not to mortals." He whispered the last part.

"What are you talking about?" Natasha said narrowing her eyes.

"We must not fight this Perseus. He is not terrorist."
"How would you know?" Natasha seemed to have turned on interrogation mode.

"I have heard of him. Great stories of many conquests." Thor answered vaguely.

"It does not matter what you might think, our orders are to bring Perseus into custody." Steve said speaking up. "Now we need to decide who we are going to send after him next. Any volunteers?"

Bruce raised his hand. "I don't think you're going to want Hulk for this so I'll just sit this one out." Steve nodded.

"I shall not be the one to go." Thor said crossing his arms and frowning.

"Alright, I'll go then." Said Steve.

Tony huffed. "I can't wait to see this. If I couldn't take him down with my suit, then you definitely don't stand a chance."

"Aww is Tony upset." Crowed Clint making pouting faces at Tony who scowled back.

"Watch it bird brain unless you want to end to have all the appliances in this building against you....again." Clint raised his hands in surrender.

"Alright, alright, No need to be so drastic." Steve sighed, they really acted like children sometimes. Natasha shot him a sympathetic look before glaring at the two who were acting like toddlers.

*******************line break named BOB*******************************


Percy pov

After knocking out that metal, flying, robot, which was actually just a suit, dude, I'd only been a little late to school. Apparently Annabeth did not agree that two hours late was not 'a little.' We were now at lunch.

"Percy, why in the world were you late! And so help me if you try blaming it on Apollo again I will murder you!" she ranted as soon as we sat down.

"It was actually Iron Man," I say congratulation myself on remembering his name correctly.

"What?" Annabeth said staring at me before getting frustrated again. "what did you do this time!?"

I shrugged "Apparently he thinks I'm some sort of terrorist or something." Even though he hadn't said that I figured that was the reason since he was with the same agents as before. Hey, I can be smart sometimes. Annabeth groaned.

"Why you of all people? I mean first SHIELD and now the Avengers! Ugghh!"

"Ya, his suit was pretty cool but I'm sure Leo could do better."

"Well, what happened?"

"I just made it so some water caused his suit to shut off cause I'm pretty sure Leo said something about how tech stuff doesn't like water. Wait does that mean Leo doesn't like me?"

"Don't be dumb Seaweed Brain, though that might not be possible with you."

I grinned "That's why I have you Wise Girl." She glared. I continued. "Well then he goes and takes off his helmet which is dumb because that leaves his head unprotected, well then that allows me to shot a trenqua-lazer at him,"

"Tranquilizer," Annabeth corrects.

"Yeah, and then he forcefully fell I sleep and I went to school." I finished grinning. Annabeth rolled her eyes at me.

"Well, if they're this determined then they won't be giving up anytime soon. We should IM Chiron to see what he thinks. Maybe the Hecate campers can help. Make SHIELD forgot about you." I shrugged.

"Alright." The bell rang signaling the end of lunch. I frowned I hadn't gotten to eat my sandwich or my blue cookies. I stood up quickly stuffing the cookies in my mouth, because you know, priorities. Who could possible think that cookies aren't healthier than an actual meal.

"Don't get into anymore trouble," Annabeth called. "I'll see you after school."

I gave her a thumbs up, but who am I kidding. I am Percy Jackson, and I am the king of trouble.

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