“It’s not irrelevant! You were a guy! I wish you would have told me!”

Jess looked down.

“I wish I could bake a cake full of rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy.” Luke muttered.

“Shut up, you don’t even go here!” Micahel cried, “In this conversation, just,….. shut up! I, ugh I… I just… I can’t…” Michael mumbled softly.

“So is that it then?” Jess questioned, “Am I… am I just nothing to you know? Do you want me to leave? Do you… do you even care about me…. At all? As a person… Are we friends?”

Biting his bottom lip Michael looked down at the ground, saying nothing.

“So that’s it?” Jess sobbed, “Just like that? One minute you love me and the next… I’m nothing to you?”

Michael looked up at the ceiling.

“Say something!” she pleaded, “Please.”

Looking down at her, his eyes swimming with tears, Michael cleared his throat, “I’m sorry.” He whispered, before moving her gently out of the way and leaving the room.

Letting out a heart wrenching sound, Jess sunk down to the ground, sobbing like a bride stood up on her wedding day. Glancing at the other, I found them all watching her sadly but making no move to go towards her.

Sighing, I slid down off the couch and sat next to her, draping an arm around her and pulling her into my side.

“I….I’m sorry.” She sobbed, clutching my shirt with trembling hands.

“It’s okay,” I replied, “It’s gonna be okay.”

“You…. You don’t date me?” she managed before letting out another sob.

“No,” I answered, pulling her closer to me, and running my fingers through her hair lightly, “I don’t hate you. Not one little bit.”

Suddenly the light was blocked as Luke stood up, and then he was sitting on her other side, rubbing her back soothingly.

“I don’t care,” he said slowly after a minute, “Who the fuck Justin is. I met Jess, and I think she’s fucking awesome. And that’ll never change.”

Slowly Charlie and Destiny slid off the couch and sat next to us.

“You’re a girl Jess,” Charlie mumbled, “You’re the coolest girl I’ve ever met.”

Suddenly the bedroom door swung open and Calum walked out.

“Hey,” he greeted, “What happened?”

“Jess was born Justin but now she’s Jess and Michael flipped shit and stormed out and if you have a problem with that then you can just go join him because we love Jess.” Luke answered in one breath.

“Oh,” Calum replied, “I…uh… I don’t care. Um… I’d like hug you or something but I haven’t washed my hands yet and….”

“Calum, gross!” Destiny cried, “Go wash your hands.”

Shrugging, Calum slunk into the bathroom.

“You see,” I said, “Everyone loves you, Micahel is just being…. Michael, he’ll come around.”

“Thank you,” Jess sniffed, sitting up, “All of you. I…I’ve never had friends before but I see now why everyone thinks they’re so great…. Thank you.”

“What are friends for.” Charlie replied, “Now what do you say we forget that ass hole, talk shit about what pigs guys are, paint our nails and watch all the Twilights over food that’ll go straight to our hips?”

“Oh my God I’m in!” Luke cried, “That third one is the best! When she punches him in the face and breaks her hand, I die every time!”

Rolling her eyes, Charlie nodded, “What about you Ashton?”

“Is Twilight that movie everyone says they hate but they can quote it word for word, with the girl that pauses at random times when she’s talking.”

“That’s the one.” Destiny replied.

“You forgot the fact that she falls for the pale ugly cold dude with the gross ass sideburns instead of the hot, shirtless tan guy.” Charlie added.

“I’m in.” I replied.

“Thank you,” Jess mumbled.

“For what?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” she replied, “For single handedly restoring my faith in humanity.”

We then waited for Calum to return before watching five of the most God Awful yet simultaneously fabulous movies I had ever seen while eating room service out of house and home before crashing off a sugar high and falling asleep.

However waking up sometime in the late afternoon, I was surprised to hear singing coming from the next room. Gently scooting Destiny, Luke, Charlie, Calum and Jess who all had some part of them lying on top of me, I crept out into the hall however stopped at the side of Ed standing outside of Michael’s door.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

Pressing a finger to his lips, he beckoned me closer. Shuffling forward, I listened and was surprised to hear Michael singing on the other side.

“So save me, from who I’m supposed to be. So tell me, tell me what you want from me, I don’t wanna be another social casualty.”

“He gets it.” Ed muttered, “The kid may be a hot head and an epic douche and an absolute eight year old bratty little girl in an eighteen year old boy’s body, but he gets it.”

And then, without saying another word, he pulled his hands into his sleeves and walked away, humming quietly to himself.

“They’re not wrong what they say.” A voice said from behind me.

Whirling around I let out a yelp, finding Destiny behind me.

“What?” I cried.

“They’re not wrong.” She repeated, “That man really is the Ginger Jesus.”


I have no idea where that chapter came from.

I have no idea what the heck I just did, or why, but, there's no going back now.

Do you hate me?

Do you hate Jess

I'm terrifed you're all going to chuck your phones at the wall and stop reading because I sank your tp but, uh, yeah, I'll update again if you want me to.


Someone, I'm not going to say who, but someone is going to frickle frackle in the next chapter.

Do you want deltails.... or nah?

It's up to you.

Love you


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