Foot Rubs and Phone Calls

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"I can't believe I have swelling like this already" I admit as Jonathan rubs my feet. I have never been pregnant before so I'm not sure what to expect, but I felt like I was walking on sacks of pudding.

"You're a hard working mommy, these things happen" he insists.

"And from what experience of motherhood are you getting your information from" I tease and he laughs.

"No experience. But I have read a lot of parenting books in the past few weeks and I know that swelling is natural and the best way I can help you out is to keep your feet elevated and to help you relax" he claims.

"Well you're great at foot rubs so who am I to argue with your parenting books" I smirk.

"That's right, enjoy the foot rub and eat your pickles" he jokes.

"I will" I assure him as I take another bite.

We sit there and watch some reruns of Friends and enjoy the early January days. I have my girl on the floor next to me and my man on the other side, I couldn't ask for a better life.

And of course it was all too good to be true because Jonathan's phone starts to go off on the end table and I start to pout.

"Nooo" I whine and he laughs.

"You know I can talk on the phone and still rub your feet, I'm pretty talented" he insists and I smile.


He picks up the phone and puts it on the arm rest of the couch next to him. He returns to rubbing my feet after he puts the phone on speaker.

"Hey Stan, what's up" he wonders. Stan called quite often to see how Jonny was doing and it made me happy that he was so well liked by his boss. By everyone in Chicago really.

"Hey Jon, are you sitting down right now" Stan asks and I look at him weird but he just shrugs.

"I am" he assures him.

"Good. Because I'm calling to tell you that everyone is signing off a agreement tomorrow and hockey will come back next week" Stan explains and Jon stops massaging my feet. His eyes bigger than usual as he looks like he was a deer stuck in the headlights. He slowly looks at his phone as his chest rises and falls faster. "Jon" Stan asks.

"I'm here. I'm just... shocked, that's all" Jonathan admits.

"Well believe it. We're going to reach out to everyone and see where they're at but figured you should be the first to call, being the captain and all. I know you haven't been in Chicago lately so I wanted to give you time to get back and be settled in before we start" he explains.

"Yeah, that helps out a lot. Thank you" Jonny says.

"Of course. When can you be back in town to do some discussions" Stan wonders and Jonny turns to me. I just shrug because I honestly didn't know what to say.

"Two days I think. I just bought a house there so I'll have to pick up the keys and move in so I don't want it to be too far from now" Jonathan explains.

"You bought a house" Stan questions.

"It's a really long story honestly, something I don't really feel comfortable with talking about over the phone. I'll explain it when I get there, I just gotta get there first" Jon says.

"Well I don't want you to do anything rash, you have time to figure things out. And if you need anything you know you can come to me" Stan insists.

"Of course. Thank you" Jon replies.

And with that they hang up and Jon slowly sets his phone back on the couch. He falls back into the back of the couch and lets out a long sigh.

"I thought you said you could rub my feet and talk on the phone at the same time" I joke and he quickly turns his head towards me. "Alright, not ready for jokes yet. I get it" I say.

"It's not that. I just... I've waited so long for this moment, and now I don't want to go" he admits and I look at him weirdly.

"Why not" I question.

"I love this place, I love what we're created here. I'm so comfortable in his cabin and I can do whatever it is I wanted to do. I don't have to answer to anyone, I don't have people asking me to do a hundred things. I can just love you unconditionally" he claims.

"Jonathan, you're an amazing hockey player. Before I even met you I was a fan and there's so many others out there like me who love to watch you. And I know you don't like the league, I get it. There's some bad people in there but you'll find that no matter where you go. But you love to play hockey, you were born for this. I know you love being here, but this will always be here for us. We will always have these memories and we can always come back. You haven't had the chance to play and I know it's killing you inside. I can see it in your eyes, you want to play again" I tell him.

"I do want to play, but I want to focus on being a good dad and a good partner to you" he claims.

"Baby, you're more than anything I will ever need. And I know this baby is going to be happy as hell that it gets to call you it's father. You've got a amazing place in Chicago that can be like this one. Sure, it's no romantic cabin, but it's a house we can very easily make our home. Everything you want is waiting there for us. I'm not going to say it's going to be easy, I'm honestly terrified to be back in that city that has been so cruel to me. But the page is turning and you don't want to be stuck on the same page the rest of your life, do you" I ask.

"Of course not. But that city can be so unforgiving. I don't want to get lost in it again" he says.

"Hey now, I'm gonna be right there with you. If you get lost then we can get lost together. We can't always find the stars, but when you can't find them be your own star. Then I promise that it'll never seem that dark" I promise.

"God, you're so amazing" he says and I smile.

"I just love you a lot, that's all" I insist.

"I guess we should start getting packed up huh" he asks.

"After you finish my foot rub" I say as I wiggle my toes and he laughs. He just shakes his head before he goes back to rubbing my feet. I close my eyes and lean back into the couch. I rest my hands on my baby bump and thank god for the life I have.

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