Chapter 2: 6 years too long

Start from the beginning

His voice was no longer high pitched but at a lower register, it was low enough that the air vibrated. But physically his shoulders were broader, he was not even close to being the same height as me and a bulge was very visable through his trousers, if you looked.

But I wasn't.

"We have so much to catch up on, like for one how the fuck did I not recognise you for a whole year?"
"I don't know, we are in the same form room and Chem class. We look very different from before and you swear much more than you used to."
"It's been a long time."
"6 years too long."


Noah's P.O.V
(Yesterday morning)

I woke up exactly at 5:45 when my waterfall alarm turned on, it was the calmest thing to wake up to. I was looking forward to going to school today because we were getting a new member in the Mathletes and she seemed to be a great new addition.

Get it? Because addition is in maths and I meant addition to the Mathletes because it's about math.... anyway.

I read through my books to refresh my memory and added to my revision notes. I did very numbers based subjects: Chemistry, Further maths, computer science & business studies.

I had my early shower and got out after 24 minutes. I did the rest of my hygeine stuff before putting on my favourite outfit and signature brown loafers and played some classical music as I brushed my teeth.

As I got out of the bathroom I was met with a very irritated face, my sister.
"You always take like forever!" She scowled
"It's actually 'you always take forever', there was no need for you to add the like" I corrected.
"You're so annoying." She rolled her eyes as she barged pass me slamming the door in my face.

My sister Elle, had a serious problem with adding "like" to everyrhing, it wasn't necessary; as well as being the basic teenager of her time. She was 15 years old but acted as if she was 20, she had an instagram page with more than enough bikini pictures to be mistaken for an 18 year old.

I ran down the stairs eagerly to eat breakfast. My belly was crying in desperation for food.

"Morning mum, morning dad." I smiled as I grabbed the porridge packet and dumped it into the empty bowl.
"Morning, do you have anything after school today?" Mum questioned handing me the milk.

I heard a dissatisfied grunt from my dad at the table, even though he was looking at his laptop, I knew he was listening. I put the bowl in the microwave, set the timer for 2 minutes and sat infront of my complacent dad.

"That's great, I'm glad to hear your working hard with your team." Mum smiled.
"It's rubbish if you ask me." Dad retorted.
"Richard, para (stop that), don't be so mean."

She said code-switching between her mother tongue, Spanish - she and my dad were Cuban.

"I dont want my son to be involved with useless activities, he needs to be more sociable. Is that too much to ask?"

I sighed. This was a regular occurance. Every time my interests were presented my dad blocks them. He says I'm not grown enough, not sociable enough, not sporty enough. Always not enough.

"Yes it is. You can't force him to be something he's not. If he doesn't like to socialize leave him, if he likes maths and computer games support him. This can't go on. Accept that he's different to how you were as a teen."
"I will not accept my child isn't normal."

With that he closed his laptop with a bang and left the room in silence.

He was a way. I barely had any friends and was the main attention of the footballers, in a bad way. My dad had always wanted me to be like him but I just never liked the stuff he did. He wanted me to do sports, be a player, have lots of friends and admirers, basically be a footballer.

Although my dad is actually a CEO of a banking company he wants me to be something not even close to what he does now. I don't understand him.

"Noah, just leave him. He's in a grumpy mood today."
"You mean everyday then?"
Mum grimaced at my words and took the porridge out of the microwave for me, "Just give him time to see how wonderful you are."
"What if that never happens?"
"No don't say that." She smiled sadly.

After breakfast I got my bag and left the house, walking towards the car. My mum has dropped me to school everyday before work, I never care about the looks I get when I come out of my mum's car, because I'm at school early. So I don't get any.

I briskly got into school and double checked the correct books were with me, triple checking after that. Fortunately, I was the 1st person in my form room so I took a seat at the front, reading a book- a portal to hidden worlds I like to call it- without interruptions.

"Your early....again, Noah." Our form teacher said plastering a smile onto her face.
"Just like always." I smiled ignoring her fakeness.

I studied a lot on psychology in my free time and taught myself how to detect certain things from body language. I could tell that she'd hoped no one was in the room as she's sexually active with the geography teacher.

I don't think other people noticed but at times he'd grab her bum and give her...strange looks. Might I add this was very inappropriate.

She sighed frustrated and wrote some instructions, for the class, on the board before rushing out, probably back to the geography teacher.

The board read:

1. Take your seat by 8:30
2. Do something entertaining
3. Don't leave the room

I feel sorry for anyone in her music class if she behaves like this. A while later, students started entering making a rowdy noise, disrupting my reading. To make matters worse Leo (head of the football team) came over to my desk and began the daily harrasing.

"Hey brace-face. What you reading there?"
I felt like saying 'something too intellectual for you to understand, if you can even understand that sentence' but instead, "....." came out.
"Are you deaf as well as a dumbass?"
"Can you just leave me alone?"
"No way, I have homework to be done. Or better said homework for you to do."

He dropped a thick stack of books on my desk with a smirk, every week I had to do his homework and because of that he never got held back. He proudly walked away leaving me to stuff his books in my bag. Don't get me wrong I'm not a pushover, but it's either do what he says or get my face pummeled in. I was wise enough choose the former. I wondered what it would be like to be popular like him. Someone that the girls would want. Someone that Haley Green would want. In the it's just a dream.


I never thought I would say this but thank you to everyone who is actually reading my story. I appreciate all the love and please comment or vote. ❤❤

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