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Let's enjoy this rainbow-ish skittles flavours epilogue 😋😂


September 19.

4:26 a.m

Carlisle NEVER woke up too early unless it was been woke up by those two sweet tykes, much on a rainy morning like this. Cracking open an eye, he craned his head to the nightstand; '4.26 a.m'. Lifting head from the pillow, he wiped at his eyes and looked around the room for the stiletto of either Noah or Noël or maybe both. 'Nothing..', his heart commented.  Slowly he laid down his head on the pillow; wondering the reason his early woke up. Found none except the fluttering sensation from his bulging abdomen, he sighed soundlessly. Decided to continue his sleep, he wiggled his toes, shifted his knee to found the best possible position with his 35 weeks bump and slowly his eyelids fluttering shut.

Minute past, an even breathing of two human beings filled the silent chilly morning. Rustled of duvet faintly reverting inside the dimly lit room. As the time flew, the movement from one of the two sleeping figures increased; restless.

Jerked upward, Carlisle panted. His right hand involuntary to his bulging stomach; feeling the sensation of the hard rock bump. Before his mind cleared from the cloudiness of sleep, his inside felt like been tugged harshly. Doubled to the front, he gasped in shocked. Sucked his lips inside, he groaned, waiting for the pain past and tried his hardest to breathe calmly as per maternity class instructor adviced untill the harsh tugged dully felt.

"Zander", Carlisle nudged the older at his side while his other hand wandering to feel the bedcover under his bum; damp. "Zander!", his tone urging.

"Urmm", came a lazy replied. The owner of the voice was pulling the duvet to cover his head from the chilling morning.

"Zander wake up", Carlisle tried again. He shook the man frantically.

"What?", a grouchy sleepy voice asked nonchalantly. Not even a movement can be seen from the man.

"Wake up", he answered; short.

A slurry word sounded like 'sleep' can be heard afterwards.

"No, I can't. I'm in labor right now."

Time past for a few seconds before came a replied, "Tomorrow..."

"What tomorrow?", Carlisle rubbed his stomach as he felt that the contraction started again.

"Whatever you want to eat."

"Zander wake up!!!", Carlisle harsh voice penetrated the silent of that early morning, "I fucking don't want any fucking food, you sloth.". He gritted his teeth, "Hurry up! Put your fucking pants on because I am in a fucking labor! Fucking hurry up because if not, I'm swear to God, I'll fucking cut your fucking dick for being that fucking slow! Fuck you!!!", Carlisle shouted the last words after he rained the sleepy Zander with that most appropriate mono-word that he managed to think.

Zander sprung vertically in a flash, "What?!", he inquired; shocked from the shrill of voice.

Carlisle groaned past the contractions, breathing through the wave of pain. "My water had broke. I'm in labor. Send me to hospital right now."

"Ohh..", Zander looked lost. His scratched his head, his eyes dead.

"Yes." Carlisle rubbed his burgeoning bump soothingly, searching for a normal tempo of his breathing as the contraction past. Reached for a handphone, he started to time his contractions. '5:47 a.m', he muttered, to remember. Raised his head from his phone, he saw his husband who'd looked lost, "Zander! Do you want your child to be born on this bed?!"

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