Chapter 27 (NSFW) 😅

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Zander walked in poised to his room. Each steps been made in suave and refined. Stopped in front of the french door, he pushed it. Not too slow, either to harsh; just enough to open it without any undesirable sounds. Walked inside, he leaned his body to the door and locked it. Glanced around, he saw Carlisle stood in front of the window; probably oversaw the night view from the other side of windows. He smirked, unbuttoned his shirt without disrobing his casual tux from his body.

One, first button was been opened.

Two, second button was separated from its holding.

Olive coloured skin been shone by the dim amber light. Almost half of Zander's chest skin was been kissed by the air after the buttons had been undone. He resumed his steps, confidently, to the intended destination. Stopped in one step distance, he stood behind the younger man. Swiftly, he lifted his left hand to Carlisle's chin. Promptly, jerked it to the back; with just enough force to demonstrate his current dominant trait, that only immerged, inside the closed bedroom.

Carlisle pliantly followed every movement directed by Zander. His breathing started to change its paced. His heart had thumped faster than normal. He gulped his saliva, anxious for the next action that will unfolding.

With Carlisle's head tilted at the back, Zander catched those succulent lips, open mouthed. He bit it tenderly before sucked the lower part of the lips. Then, he swiped his tongue on top the lips to coax its owner for a permission to his own grand entrance. In the interim, his left hand had started to give feathering touched to every sensitive nuke to the body in front of him.

Started from the lower chin to the chest, Zander stopped at the budding buds that had started to bloom. He circled the right clothed nipple several times before drawing his fingers; lowered. With a teasing torturous pace, his hand moved to unbuckled the trousers. Sound of zipper been pulled down resounded inside the silent room.

Zander ducked his head down to the pulse point at Carlisle's neck. He kissed one after another; from the base of the neck to behind the ear before gnawed at it. "Suck", he commanded gruffly on the same time with two fingers been thrust inside Carlisle willing mouth.

Carlisle complied, sucked it eagerly. Rolled his tongue around those fingers until its nice and wet. He started to shuddered from his own action added with Zander's finger that kept dancing and caressing each wall inside his mouth. The sensation had started to boil his blood. Heat slowly transmigrated to every pores of his body.

Zander chuckled huskily, "Are we going to proceed?", he teased cruelly. On the same time, his left hand was palming Carlisle's clothed cock while his right hand still thrusting Carlisle's wet mouth. "Are we going to free this or not?", he asked. Squeezed the organ of his referent, which was Carlisle's constrained cock that still trapped inside a brief.

Carlisle shuddering accumulated. "Yes!", a high pitched muffled answer been produced.

Zander smirked to the reaction. It was in his intention to receive such expression after he slapped the tented front of the younger man's brief. "Always needy aren't you?"

"Yes!", Carlisle gasped. "I am."

"Humm.", Zander hummed, drawled the sound. He pulled down the brief's elastic waistband before plunged his fingers to fish the hard confined cock. Intentionally left the well rounded balls inside, he released the waistband from his hold. Sound of fabric slapped against skins accompanied the gasped, followed by the harsh intake of breath.

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