Chapter 25

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This was the hardest chapter for me to write. Seriously, writing and deleting had almost became a routine. 😅😥


"Urmm, I prefer the sooner the better.", Carlisle answered. He looked straight to Zander's eyes as the man turned to him.

"Okay. I'll tell you.", Zander said, turned his head facing a ceiling. "It's nothing surprising or drama worthy though. It just we'd prefer to not talking about him because his death still hurt us. Especially to my ma." Zander took a breath.

Carlisle turned his body sideway to face Zander that laying on his back.

"So it was like this." The man started. "Nolan, he's easy to laugh. He will laughing at anything that he deemed funny. His boisterous laugh was too much sometimes but when he was silent, we will miss it. He love to tease us, especially me.", Zander smiled. "... maybe because I'm the youngest. I don't know." He pursed his lips, remembering the past memories.

"Nolan and I, we never had a secret between us although we stay far away from each other... or so I thought." Zander gave a breathless laugh. "One day, he Skyped me and asked me to gather my dad, my ma, Abigail and Mason because he needed to tell something. After everyone gathered in front of my laptop, he told us that he was three months pregnant with twin."

"Are you happy then? I mean when you heard that news.", Carlisle asked, just to ended the sudden silent that felt for about few minutes already. He gauged the man reaction to make sure his question did not harmed anything.

"Huh?! Of course we are happy.", Zander almost jerked in his position. Like been harshly awoke from his reverie he answered the younger man question.

Shocked with the sudden movement, Carlisle touched Zander's arm. "Are you okay?", he asked in concerned. "If you're not ready, then we can postpone this."

"Yes. Okay. I'm fine. Sorry." Zander glanced sideway to see a concerned face looked up at him. He touched the hands that still rubbed his arm in soothing manners. "We're estatic to hear it actually. After all, it's the first grandbabies that will be added to our family. I still remember everyone smile at that time, especially Nolan. It's so wide and blinding. He was so happy. But, when we asked who's the father, he said it was a surprised. My ma, like always, his curiosity was the highest if the subject of concern was his children." He released a chuckled, a little bit lacked in sincerity to the hearer. "He did asked me to try to crack the secret about who's the father. And, being a good son I am, just abide to his request."

"Yeah, right.", Carlisle snickered to the sentence.

"I am." Zander defended himself. "I did asked Nolan but no, he refused to tell me. He said that he will bring the man home later and just giggle to my face. Fucking giggling, you know?" Zander put his hand on his closed eyes. He paused to take a calming breath. His emotion was on rollercoaster with him telling a story about his deceased brother.

Carlisle back to rubbed the man's arms soothingly. After all, that was the only action that he can think to do.

"Around three months later, my ma called." Zander continued, "He said Nolan just arrived at home. I rushed back to meet him and of course, the mysterious 'father' that Nolan had kept as a secret all this time. You know...", Zander turned his head to Carlisle. He looked at him as the younger man was adjusting his hair that had dropped at his forehead.

Carlisle hummed, he looked to Zander eyes. "What's happen?"

Zander closed his eyes then released a big heavy breathe. "Nolan's alone. The man was not with him. Until the day of the boys birth, we didn't meet that man. We wanted to ask but..." He took a dragged of oxygen and released a heavy breath afterwards. "It's hard in every time. It's felt like every second was not a good time to asked him. Moreover, I'm not going to ask something like that to a person who was just giving a birth to two human being from his own body. Right?", he wondered why, but he craved for a positive recognition from Carlisle at that point.

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