Chapter 32

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Carlisle was cemented on the floor. This sudden uncharacteristic behaviour was too shocked for him to comprehend. Been smothered in a dead grip hugged as soon as he walked past a front door was definitely new to him. To added the spices at his awkward position, the attacker suddenly burrowed their face to the hollow of his throat and the nuke of his shoulder then started to smell and kissing him like they can't get enough of him.

"Wow!", Joanne blurted suddenly as soon as her eyes landed on the scene of two adults in front of her. "Definitely a treat to be shown such a lustrous affection that my son got. But, I preferred for you to tone it down a bit, Mister. It's definitely not nice to show something like that to a celibate widow like me. You are tempting my resolve."

Like been showered by a bucket of ice, Zander sheepishly releasing Carlisle from his desperate hugged. "Ahem...", he tried to regain his composed self before he meet the eyes of the accoster; his future mother-in-law. He glanced to red face Carlisle at his front, and muttered discreetly, "Why didn't you told me that your mom just at your back?"

Carlisle gaped from the ridiculous question. Deemed that it was unworthy to be answer, he walked away from the older man but, not before he gave the said man a sharp glanced. "Mom, just come inside. I'll make you a drink." He called just before he turned the corner and left both his mother and Zander in front of the door.

Zander scratched his head. Trying to reset the awkward atmosphere, he stretched his hand forward to shake the smiling woman, whose still standing in front of him, despite been called by his son earlier. Received a hand shake from the woman, Zander spoke, "Sorry for the display. Hope I'm still standing on your good side. Mrs. Ross."

Joanne chuckled, "It's okay. At least, I found it amusing me. Just called me Joanne, but, I expect you to call me mom as soon as you both got married."

"Definitely.", Zander nodded. Well, it was most likely he will be apposed to any point that Joanne may say for the time being. After all, he was trying to collect good points here. "I think it better for us to come inside right now. Don't want for him to angry at me again. Thinking that I had lost my manner and forgot to invite you inside." He cracked a joke.

Joanne howled in amusement, "Of course, why not? A feisty one you got there, don't ya?" At the same time with her comment, she nodded his head in agreed for the truth behind Zander's joke. "Though, I hope you will love him for a long time despite his temper. Well, hopefully it's not going to be tougher to you to handle since it's quite normal in his current condition to have an up and down in his emotion. Am I right?" She asked smoothly without any hitched before took a sat on one of the sofa. Sighed from the comfort of the sofa brought to his body, he looked upward to see Zander that still standing with complicated expression.

"What condition are you talking about? Did Carlisle sick? Because...", he drawled, long.

"Because?", Joanne inquired. Her interest peak from the subtle hint of confusion from her son's fiance.

Silent blanketed both occupants at the living room. Also, the sounds of their breathing was faint to ears. Zander looked down to the curious woman in front of him. He took a drag of complementation breathe to either answering the question or not. "As I knew, I am the only one that quite sick right now. It's not that serious but it quite messing with my life and head." Zander filled in before he sat near to Joanne as he saw the woman was trying to say something to him.

"You're sick? Really?", she said in skeptical with eyes scrutinised the man up and down; trying to searched for any sign of malaise that been told by him. "Sorry. Not trying to sound rude, but I failed to see that. You look healthy to me."

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