Chapter 37

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"I'm free today", Zander literally announced to the entire house, though, the person whom legitimately can answer him was only one. "Let's go out. I don't care where we're going! Just-- let's get out from under this roof for a day. Let's forget about the wedding preparations for a bit."

"It's in a week if you're unaware", Carlisle supplied a prompt to the older man without looking at him. His back was facing to Zander who'd standing from the sofa he previously sat.

"For God sake, Carlisle! We hired a wedding planner if you don't remember", flabbergasted Zander answering. "Just hear me for a bit. Let's..."

Unsatisfied, Carlisle stopped his hands movement and shifted his sight from fussing at the twin to focus on Zander's face. His mouth twitched. Though, he still waited to carefully hear words by words uttered by his fiance.

"...find some outdoor air. We can have some food or go to the beach or the park. Anywhere but here. That's what I suggest", Zander said in determination.

"I don't think today is the day to do that. With our wedding in just a week, I might say, I believe those paparazzi that always following you around will have a field day as soon as we walked out from this roof", he scrutinized the older while pointed upward at his last word. "Also, don't you think your child here had growing rapidly since last week." He levelled his finger to his grey t-shirt covered middle that looked snugged to the naked eyes. "I'm afraid they'll manages to sniff my pregnancy before our wedding day. I don't want to be chase by them every time I'm outside. I want a calm week before the hectic wedding day, please", his tone was begging. Continued, "They're like a group of hyaenas lurking for a prey." He shuddered imaging the problematic situation that he strongly wanted to avoid while on the same time, stressing the animal name for Zander to catch the reason of his hesitation clearly. "Or a bug? Yes! Whichever better", he added scarcely a second after the former analogy.

"A bug who loves to bug, I reckon", Zander shrugged. Not much he can help Carlisle in that part, although he very much agreed with the younger man's point of view. After all, it was mostly his day to day routine since he chose to join this glamorous world. And, it had been a bit tricky than normal after he made an announcement about his impending wedding with the supposed love of his life , also a mother to his hidden children; Carlisle Ross. "It's not like I can packs them and send them to Antarctica. If I may, I had did it long time ago. Though, I'm not sure either it will solve the issue. Believe me, they're more resilient than weeds." Zander sighed. He eyeing the glum looking Carlisle before nudged the said man, "Just ignore them. Let's try to be positive for today and think that they're scarcely doing their job and we're living our life. As long as they didn't come near us, then it's... just think that it is a luxury for us to have. Okay?"

Carlisle gave the excited man a wan smile, but he's too lazy to spoke any word to show his disagreement for the words; he believed babbled by Zander.

"And, again..", Zander kept continuing his point of mind brazenly. "..I'll tell you. Please bear it in mind this time. I'm humbly, begging you to do so. Okay?"

Carlisle knitted his brows in confusion. He was vaguely understand the underlying meaning that Zander trying to say, "What?"

"It's okay if people know about your pregnancy. It's not like we're going to hide it or so. We are very happy with this one, right? Though, it was like a surprise to us."

Carlisle nodded, agreeing to everything been said by Zander.

"Nice! So today, we'll pretend that we are eagerly happy to dish out the news of our third child to the world. Or, we can pretend that everybody already know about this. Settle right?!", Zander said triumphantly. Excited with his own ridiculous idea.

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