Side tracks

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Side tracks

In a line he queued until his turn came.

Repeated everyday script, he said, "Flat white with an extra shot of espresso. Make it tall."

"What should I write your name, sir?", a peppy cashier asked.

"Edrian", he gruff then paid the excessive amount of money that been charged for his cup of coffee. Leaned against the wall, he fished out his smartphone and started to check for any messages or email for his day.


He looked up from his handphone, checking if anyone went to claim the name.


Again, the name been called but nobody came to the counters.

Slipping his lip-balm coated lip between his teeth, he walked to the counters. He grabbed the cup and looked at the sloppy written name there, 'Spelling right.' Sighed, he looked at the guy behind the counter. Enunciating the first alphabet in his name, he said,  "It's Edrian not Adrian. Thank you very much...", found the worker's nametag, "... Heyden", purposely he changed 'J' to 'H' before walked out from that famous coffee shop like he owned the place.

Took a turn around the corner, he arrived at the building of his office. Flashing the identification badge to a scanner, he pushed open the glass door and went to the elevator. There's already a few people waiting there, but none of them was familiar to him. Choose to lean on the wall, his head tilted against the concrete with his eyes looked for the digit on top of an elevator's door. Slowly he sipped that heavily heaven caffeine induced baverage. Once the drink touched his tongue, he closed his eyes in ecstasy followed by rush of blood that went to his head. Opened his eyes, his mood immediately turned brighter as he was finally able to see the world clearly. "Mhmmm", he moaned in content from the overly bitter drink before rushed to walk inside the elevator along with other.

Went out of from the crammed elevator, he, once again flashed his badge to a scanner. Heard a beep sound along with blinkers of yellowish green light, he pushed the glass door and went straight to his partition; which just around the corner. Put the cup of caffeine dose on top of his table, he slung out his bagpack that he carried with one shoulder. Dragged his chair outward, his mouth twitched involuntary seeing a neon colour post-it note on stuck on top of his table. Pulled the note, he mouthed the overly cursive words, "Mathews' office. As soon as you're here!"

Sucked his lips in between his teeth, he reached for his added doses flat white. Nursing from the paper cup, he relaxed on his seat, 'Whatever happen, let me drink this coffee first.'

"Edrian!", a shrill voice interrupted the serene moment followed by a slap to the back.

Clamped his mouth with his hand, Edrian glared to that stupid culprit who'd surprised him while he was taking sips from the cup of coffee. On the same time his right hand rushed for tissues to wipe the coffee that had smothered around his mouth and chin while threatened to drip down from the gap in between his fingers.

"Sorry. Sorry", the unapologetic voice said while his hand rapidly patted Edrian's back.

"Fuck off!", Edrian sneered after he successfully wiped all the bitter sweet substances from affected area. "What do you want?", he spatted.

That annoying person grinned. Flashed another piece of neon colour paper, he said, "Let's go to Mathews' office together. I got this post-it note, asked to bring you along when I go there."

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