Chapter 14

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"...I thank you all for your great contribution and effort in order to finish filming Ace. To show my appreciation for your hard work, today let's party until you drop!!"

Carlisle smiled hearing a shout from Zander. Looked at him from the side table, he can see that's that man's face showed his over eagerness and excitement. With his eyes still looked at Zander, he sometimes pushed his hair that had been flew, disturbing his view ahead. Secured the hairs behind his ear, he hope its will stay there. But to his disappointment, the open air party's venue, which was on the beach, have nothing to shield wind from blowing freely. In his conflict with his hair and wind, Carlisle's earlier focus had changed.

"Having a problem there?"

A deep masculine voice's greeted Carlisle. Startled, his head raised to check the culprit. To his surprised, that person was Alden Garrison; the actor that had been one of leads in Ace. "Ah, y.. pardon?" Carlisle stammered, suddenly felt giddy with the word that he uttered. 'Arrgghh Carlisle! Are you trying to start a telenovela with that pardon? It's sound too lavish in this situation!', he condemned himself.

The man chuckled hearing Carlisle's replied.

'Aaa.. even his laugh was dreamy to ears. No wonder he was so popular. My god!' Carlisle looked to the man in front of him with goofy smile.

"..and you?"

Carlisle been awaken from his stupor by a big, masculine hand asked for a handshake. Instantly, he received the hand and shook it. 'Oh my god. You'll be my new favourite actor from now on. Your hand is so nice to hold.'

"It is? Thank you." The man, Alden laughed heartily after saying those sentences, making Carlisle dumbfounded.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing. Just you're too amusing. By the way, I'm Alden Garrison. And you are?" It's the second time the actor asked Carlisle the same question without he realised it.

"Carlisle. Carlisle Ross."

"Pleasure to meet you, Carlisle. You're coming with whom here? Not trying to sound rude but this party was kind of in circle only and I can't remember you from everywhere within the crews." Alden asked curiously.

"Oh..ah.. urm, my friend.." Carlisle stopped, 'Zander consider a friend,right?', contemplating by himself a bit before he brushed it aside, "..He asked me to join this party. Said about afraid if I'll bored stay in room. So here I am." Carlisle smile to the actor.

"Hoo, then I wish to say my gratitude to your friend for inviting you h-"

"You can say it to me 'coz I'm that friend." A man voice suddenly cut the words from Alden mouth.

Alden smiled to Carlisle's shocked faced before turned his head to his back. "Director Hemmelton, it's you. It's can't be help then, I just said my thanks to you for inviting this beautiful man here, on this night. Giving an opportunity to me to meet him."

Zander laughed, he glanced to Carlisle and quickly regretted it. What's he saw made him fuming. Carlisle looked too blushed to his liking, received the complement and he's sheepishly smiling to the complementer; Alden. "Uh-huh, you're too smooth in your word nowadays, Garrison. Are you alone here's, tonight?"

"Of course, I am." Alden replied without a beat, confidently.

"Good for you." Zander sighed, "I think I need to change my glass prescription after this."

Spiral FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora