dan grumbled, crossing his arms. "you're stupid. you make my emotions all... all stupid."

phil looked at him. "stupid how?"

"jus' stupid." dan sighed and pushed his fingers into his messy curls. "i hate it. i want you."

phil flinched at the way his heart flipped at his words. "you do?"

dan glared at him, but the hateful look melted after a second and he sighed, shifting and moving toward him. "will you do me a favor?"

suddenly the air felt thick and heavy around him, like a suffocating blanket. dan climbed into his lap but phil couldn't move, he couldn't do anything, he couldn't think. he wished he was drunk so he could get away with letting this happen without feeling so guilty about it. "what?"

he watched dan swallow, and his breath smelled like whisky and something sweet he must have used as a chaser before he was so hopelessly intoxicated that he didn't care.

"stop being so stupid for a sec."

phil tried to answer but he couldn't. dan's weight on his thighs made him want to break down. dan touched phil's face, his thumb gliding over his cheek, his eyes glassy. his expression made phil want to do unspeakable things.


"shh," dan whispered, resting his forehead against his. "you're still being stupid."

dan's lips brushed the spot beneath phil's eye and phil held his breath. he didn't want it to stop but he knew it couldn't continue. against his conscience phil's hands found their way to dan's hips, making their way over his curves slowly and purposefully.

he had to stop this...

but then dan was kissing him, and he tasted so amazingly bitter, and phil couldn't not kiss him back. his own lips were chapped from being out in the cold so long but dan's were soft and warm and phil bit his bottom lip despite himself. dan made a sound and phil felt himself unraveling.

dan's hands creeped to the hem of phil's shirt and that's when he finally came to his senses.

he gently pushed dan off of him, breathing heavily. he could still feel his mouth even though it wasn't there.

fuck. he was really, really hard.

"we can't do this," he explained, more to himself than to dan. "you're drunk, and you're mad at me, and you'll regret it tomorrow and hate me even more."

dan pouted. "i don't care about the morning."

"you'll care about the morning in the morning." phil ran his fingers through his hair, his mind running wild. "god, just come with me." he stood up and reached out to take dan's hand. dan smiled and took it and phil's heart ached.

"are you kidnapping me?" dan asked. his lips were swollen and his words were slurred and phil was exercising an extreme amount of self control.


dan grinned. "hot."

the drive to phil's place was difficult, but at least dan didn't try to touch him again. instead, he talked. he talked about everything he saw out the window as they passed, even though there wasn't much to look at; it was dark and everyone was inside or asleep. he didn't stop talking until they parked.

phil got out and went around to help him out. the sleepiness finally seemed to hit dan and he leaned into his side and let phil practically carry him inside.

phil led him to the guest room, despite how badly he wanted dan to sleep in his room. all of his anger towards him had melted away, at least for the moment. it was increasingly clear how much he still cared for him. which sucked, because he knew by the morning dan would hate him again and phil would be stuck with these painful feelings.

dan climbed into the bed and looked up at him with large eyes. phil felt like crying.

"stay," dan mumbled, letting phil kneel in front of him and take his shoes off.

"i can't," he muttered, taking off his socks as well.

"you don't trust me?"

"i don't trust myself."

he paused before carefully helping him get his jeans off, cautious to touch him as little as possible. dan watched him silently.

"s' okay," he mumbled finally, laying down. phil stood back up.

"goodnight," he breathed, wiping at his eyes with his sleeve and sniffing. dan nodded, smiling softly.

"g'night," he replied, rolling onto his side. "love you."

it didn't count. he didn't mean it. phil sighed and turned to the door.

"love you too, dan."

god. he was gonna kill him in the morning.

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