One (Silent) Rule

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All the meanwhile Reborn and La Morte both are busy with Tsuna's condition, the guardians are forced to stand by and keep the tracks of their plan. Seeing that no matter what, Vongola shouldn't fall nor show any weakness. At least they know that their sky's in good hand...

"Okay then, minna-san~! Now that we've finished dinner, shall we go to the next game?" cripped Yamamoto, faking his enthusiasm. Afterall, he can't let their guests noticed that something is wrong therefore he keep his worry to himself as he grinned widely, in which the alumnus tried their best to return the smile, although some are clearly forced, most likely traumatized at how extreme all of Vongola's games so far.

Anyway, speaking of extreme...

Yamamoto then let the extreme ex-boxer to stepped forward and takes over as he himself went back to his own post--

"Alright~! Then it's my EXTREME turn now~!!!" The excited sun guardian fist pumped with the sky as he then proceeds with taking off his mask. "Hello again, EXTREME people! do you remember me?!!" he asked with a familiar loudness that no one can ever forget...

"Aish... It's good to see you again, Ryohei-senpai. Though, if you don't mind, can you please tone your voice down even if it's just for a bit?" one of the women kindly asked with such an awkward smile.

But unlike years ago, Ryohei has learned how to be an extreme man without shouting his lungs out, therefore he granted her wish with a thumbs up. Making some from the crowd to sighed in relief.

Though even without anyone tells him, Ryohei will likely to do it anyway. Afterall, his loud voice could startle Baby Tsuna and that was the last thing he wanted to deal right now, followed by the fact that scaring the said toddler means him giving up on life seeing on how overprotective Akemi is... and the fact that Reborn was willing to 'babysit' the same brunet was alarming though at the same time relieving as well.

Yeah, anyway, we're getting off track...

"Well then, minna-san... as you know, my name is Sasagawa Ryohei, and I'll be the host of our next extreme game! So everyone, follow me..." Ryohei then motioned for the group to follow him to the other part of the mansion, specifically one of their training room.

"--I wonder what kind of torture we'll be in this time..." It was a low whisper but being trained by experts, let alone Ryohei, even the butlers could hear it.

So stopping on his track abruptly, Ryohei immediately turned to who said that with a gaze that fulfills the term 'if looks could kill'...

"By all respect, sir. But if you don't like how we tried our very best to entertain you, then let me personally book you a plane ticket back to Japan before our sky accidentally hear what you just said behind my back..." -the voice was calm and low. But that's what creepy of him. Afterall, Ryohei who's known as the bright sunshine could be worse than raging hurricane when he's angry. And that commentary just snapped him. He's utterly mad.

"I-I'm sorry, senpai! I-I-I mean, sir! --uh, p-please forget my words! I-I never say a word! Please forgive me!!!" the poor guy stuttered as he went paler than when he was attacked by a bunch of zombies back at the haunted house.

Unexpectedly, someone comes to the front and became a wall between the guy and Ryohei.

"My apology, sir. But please forgive him. I'm sure that he didn't mean what he said." -It was Osamu. And to say, Mochida, who was watching on the sideline, feels a bit proud of his former partner in crime. The Raven then decided to lend the younger a hand. So patting the sun's shoulder lightly, Mochida tried to calm the white-haired man.

"I believe that Sato-san has regretted his action, so why don't we just move on and continue with the plan, ne?" 

Sighing heavily, Ryohei glanced at the group who seemed like they want nothing but shrunk as little as possible. Sato even looked as if he's about to piss in his pants. Only Osamu who remained calm despite panic could be seen into the mix of his pokerface.

Well alright-- he admits that he was too worked up over a hater's comment. But can you blame him when he's already worried sick at his brother slash sky?

Yeah, anyway, if anything he wouldn't apologize because for sure he didn't regret any of his words. These idiots better gather their brain before he snapped for the second and mostlikely the last time at them. Therefore, he said instead...

"Fine, I'll let you slide this time. But remember, just zip all your negative points to yourself. OR you can tell us your complaints through letter that you can give it to any of the butlers and maids. OR just give it to any of the guardians IN PRIVATE." Suppressing the last words, he then said again, this time with a neutral expression...

"--we won't tolerate if our dear sky happens to know another word of what you just said earlier. You're lucky that I'm on the 'easy going' line of the group. If it was actually either Hayato, the Mist, or god forbid... the Cloud-- well, let's just say. They're tenfold overprotective of our sky than me..."

Still representing his ex-classmates, Osamu bowed a little, "we understand, Ryohai-sen-- I mean, sir. We won't repeat the same mistake ever again."

"Y-Yes... my apologies, senpai-- err, sir!" Sato said with a nervous crip. But this time, Ryohei actually acknowledged them and even back with his bright grin.

"It's okay tobe casual with me, just don't be disrespectful. Once you keep that in mind, I'll assure you that you'll get to see this place  as somewhat heaven. The way everyone here seen it." A hint for the clueless ones.

But anyway, he gave Osamu a thumbs up before then turning on his heels back on his original track saying, "alright then extreme people! Let's just enter the battlefield, shall we~?"

In which that statement left one question in the guests' minds...





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