1st game : haunted house

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Once the dinner finished, Gokudera lead the alumnus to the place where his game will be held while the other guardians went to their representative place, only Yamamoto that tagged along.

"where are we going to, Gokudera-kun?" one of them asked.

 "well, just a week before, we were helding a haunted house for the halloween. we built it to amuse the kids. by tomorrow, it will be taken down. so before that, I want to show it to you..." Gokudera explained as he guide them to the outside.

"a-a haunted house?" one of them paled, because he doesn't like any scary things.

"Haha! yeah~" Yamamoto replied. "You guys will be just fine~ besides, it was orriginally for kiddos~ what could've gone wrong right??" He said gleely. 

"a-ah... right..." the man sighed in relief.  

They missed the smirk that flashed on Yamamoto's lips before it got replaced by his usual cheery grin. "Splendid~!" he cripped.

Not so long then they arrived at the said place... 

That houses might seemed elegant for a 5 story house, but it gave a creep aura, and those bats and dead trunks that surrounding it didn't help for the least. 

It's just like they've been in a complete different place, despite having the manor just some feet behind them.

"First thing first... before we start, is there any of you that have a weak heart or sort? even thought it's for kiddos, it's still counted as haunted house and we don't want any of you dying out of surprise... so, if there's any please stepped out of the line..." Yamamoto said.

there are three people that stepped out, sadly including Nezu. 

"Good... now we want you to devide into groups consist of 4 people... Roy-sensei, and Keyla-sensei included..." Gokudera ordered. They did as he told and then withing 5 minutes, 27 groups are formed.

"great! now listen. there are 9 different routes inside. you may choose which path to go. but before you decide, we warn you, once you enter one path you can never go back. and the only way to get out is by finishing all of the riddles inside~" Yamamoto said.

"Riddles?" One of them questioned.

"uh-huh~ you guys are adults now, we need to add something to this haunted house or else it will be no fun, right~?" Yamamoto grinned. hums of understand can be heard.

"Alright then, Minna-san... Enjoy!" Gokudera and Yamamoto said on the same time as they open the grand door.

the groups entered while the other three are escorted back to the mansion by the the buttler and maids. they might survive this one but that's it. they'll learn that what they've done to their angel was a big mistake... Kukuku~ 

anyway~ now back to two guardians. they're smirkng at each other in satifacion.

"let's go to the monitor room with everyone, ne?" Yamamoto said.

"Yeah, I can't wait to hear their screams" Gokudera said. They both chuckled darkly as they walked back to the manor, where everyone has waited for them to watch the whole chaos with popcorns seated on their hands...


Route 1# Theme : Vampires

Route 2# Theme : Clowns

Route 3# Theme : Madmen & Cannibals

Route 4# Theme :  Zombies

Route 5# Theme :  Aliens 

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