what a peaceful breakfast

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The blaring rings of alarm resounded in that bright room, waking up the only occupant inside, the sleeping beauty who's none other than Neo Vongola Primo. 

Honey orbs slowly revealed themselves to the world, the owner blinked for a bit before muted his phone with a sigh, "Yay~ another great day has arrived!" he muttered sarcastically as he ruffled his natural unruly locks.

Glancing at the time from his watch he chuckled humorlessly. 'I only get half an hour to sleep... again... goddamnit'

Shaking his sleepiness away, he carefully stands up to do a bit of stretch up, some of his joints made 'pop' sounds as he did. Rubbing his sore back and neck he sighed softly

'I really should fix my habit of sleeping on the desk— Or to be exact, oversleeping on my desk' 

He then openly groaned when he saw those innocent white stacks from hell standing as tall as it always been. As if those sleepless night that he spent mean nothing. 'were they multiplying when I didn't pay attention?' he scoffed.

Glancing at the clock again, now paying more attention at the numbers, he noticed that it's 4 a.m. Which means another 4 hours before the breakfast call.

"maybe I could take some minutes...?" The idea sounded magnificent to his tired mind, and thus he slowly made his way to the his second bedroom that's literally installed next door and actually connected on this office. Yet, his sharp eyes landed on the red mark at the wall calendar.

One of the date is encircled whereas next to it written neatly— 'Don't forget ^^ !!!'. His own written. A reminder of a long time project that he had planned.

The don smiled at it, suddenly reprimanded as of why he's been doing all of these, working himself to the bone. Annoyedly glancing at the towers of papers that surrounded his desk before letting out a sigh, 'maa, little sacrifies for the big goal, Guess I could save my nap for other time?' With that newfound determination, he walked back to his seat, continuing the work that was left out before he passed out.

"Just few days again..." He hummed.


Nearly four hours passed, that exhausted sky has nodded for the nth times already. Heavy eyelids tried to steal some seconds to be closed. However, the owner is stubborn not to fall for the temptation. Shaking his head, he chugged his cold-overly bitter drink before shaking his head again.

He almost jolted up when someone knocks the door. Hurriedly straightening his composure and with boss aura on check he prepared himself for the worst. "Come in"

With that confirmation, the mahogany door got opened revealing the new head buttler. The job used to be his father's, but now that he retired the raven man is here to fill the position.

Silently sighing in relief, that young don relaxed a bit, "Yes Alonzo? Is there anything I could help you?" He smiled warmly at the newcomer.

The servant bowed, "sorry for disturbing you, my lord. But breakfast is ready" he said.

The big boss, Neo Vongola Primo, or the one that has Sawada Tsunayoshi a.k.a. Tsuna as his name frowned. The expression freaks out the dark haired male, as he gulped. 'w-why is he in a bad mood?' The poor guy tried so hard not to openly flinched.

"didn't I tell you NOT to call me that, Alonzo?" The don said, making the older blinked, pretty much dumbfounded before realizing what he meant.

"Ah... I'm sorry, Decimo-sama..." Alonzo nervously stammered but the brunet's gaze only went sharper in disaproval. "—I-I mean, Tsuna-sama?"

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