Yeti face?

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Tsuna POV

"urgh..." I grunted as I tried to sit up. I was regaining my counciousness litterally on the floor. My neck is hurt and I feel light headed.

That it's when the growl in my stomach make it perfect.

I sighed then tried to stood up. my feets are woobly and I almost fell again If I didn't get a grip on the edge of my bed. I decided to sit on the bed for a while at least 'till my focus are better.

I'm breathing in then slowly let it out. It's hot... Looks like I did catch a fever. What a pain.

I took a mirror from my drawer to look at my face. I can see how pale my face is with tint of red on my cheek, and see clearly how many bags under my eyes...

'I look like a living zombie!' I screamed internally.

I sighed tiredly, this cannot be fixed by powder only. And there's no way I could take a step out like this, My friends will go overreacting like before...

(A/N : read my other story, "When the sky catches a cold")

I shuddered at the memory. No, I don't need that to be repeated again. I've got to do something about this.

But, what can I do...?

hm... maybe some mist flame to cover it? (A/N : Tsuna has learned to fuse all of the flames type indicating night flame, excluding 'earth' flame –the one that Shimon had- cause it's not in his bloodline)

'It would be a good plan if only my friends are stupid enough to be fooled. but they don't. so it's off the option either.' I thought.

I then pumped my fist as an idea comes up. 'Oh yeah, I still have that!'

I then took out a moisturizer that Shoichi made for me once. It was a prototype of his newly invention. Shoichi was never into chemistry before but he's interest on this one and he along with Shamal –I have no idea what Shoichi did to dragged him- created this... and it's successful...

A herbal moisturizer mixed with sun flame. He said that it would fade the scars in 10 minutes so it could also fades this paleness right? (A/N : I don't know how to said it right, sorry... (^_^;) )

So now I'm applying this moisturizer to my face. Then I waited...

Exactly 10 seconds later I look at my reflection again, 'Yes, It works!!!' I beamed.

It's still pale though, but not as feverish as before. And my underbags has gone. Oh I will so thanked to both of them, later on. Maybe I'll give them some gifts in return?

Anyway, now that this has settled, I've got to get ready for dinner, even though I don't really have appetite now.

15 seconds is all that I need. I don't have to see the mirror to checked my clothes. Reborn had taught me how to do it since 'bosses should always be ready to be present at all time' as he told me.

Now that I'm ready, I walked out from my office to the dining room.

All the way there, I greeted the buttlers and maids as  usual, but what I rechieved in return was a shuttered greets and some shocked face. I wonder why?

I decided to ignore it and keeps on walking through the long corridor.

Once I arrived at the front of the dining hall I just realized that my face is itchy for some reason but again I just simply ignore it. and so I open the door, entering the room.

All eyes is on me as I walked gracefully to my seat. I thought that everything was just fine, until I witnessed my friends expression.

I smiled over them, "What's wrong minna? Is there something in my face?" I asked hoping that the moisturizer is still having it's effect on me.

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