2nd game : moving maze (part 1)

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Normal POV

"Okay folks. as I've told you before. We're going to continue the schedule as soon we finished our breakfast... Saa, let's go?" The Rain Guardian announced then he guided everyone to the garden where there are three people has await for their arrival.

"Minna, let me introduced you to our finest mechanics... Shoichi Irie, Spanner, and Giannini..."



"Good morning everyone!" the three greeted. And they got chorus of good mornings as reply.

"Saa... Before I let Shoichi to get to explain our next game I think I better introduced my self first..." Yamamoto then took off his mask. Silent gasps can be heard.

"Yamamoto-san?" One of the alumnus asked.

"Wow, remember me already? well that's fast!" Yamamoto replied cheerfully as he grinned ear to ear.

"well, that's probably because you're just that popular at school, Takeshi. and not to mention, they at least already catch the clue from Hayato's presence..." Tsuna said, smiling warmly at his rain. This caused not just the women but also the men to blush.

"whoa whoa, stop your charm right there, Tsu- sir Decimo... You'll steal my fans if you do~" Yamamoto said jokingly, almost slipping Tsuna's name and receiving Gokudera's glare because of that...

"Hmm? what charm did you mean, Takeshi? I didn't let out any of that, you know?" Tsuna asked in whisper a the end while tilting his head a bit. (A/N : he meant for his boss aura) This action of his just sent another blast. Someone even get a nosebleed of it.

"okay. Enough for the chatter and move on..." 'or else I'll bite you to death' a cold hidden threat that came from a certain cloud guardian, go heard clearly by Tsuna which in return, turned his dirrection nervously. Afterall, even after all these years he can still get scared of the elder. Of course, only at easy times like this.

"Ah, I think it's about time to get in the maze, like what he said..." Tsuna said, signaling to Yamamoto to did as the ex-prefect told. He really don't need more 

"alright then, Shoichi, please with the explanation~!" Yamamoto cripped.

The said redhead nodded, smiling slimly as he turned his gaze to the audiences. he then began the explanation, "This huge maze before you is not just an ordinary maze. Us, Vongola's mecanics has made it special with not just riddles but also some tasks to do if you want to continue..."

"-and not just that, this thing also programed to automatically move and change paths in every ten minutes. but don't worry, Exit do exist..." Spanner continue, plopping his lolipop into his mouth once again once he's done his part.

"eum... if someone didn't make it to escape?" one of the alumnus asked. Uncounciously using word of escape than get out. well, in a way that was a right choice a word, so no harm done...

"well, since this will goes for the whole day, so logically it's not possible if you got lost inside for that long..." Spanner lazily replied. "-but if someone really does, then at 5 p.m. we'll dropped you to the basement..."

"-W-What?!?!" They screamed. Those words are as suspicious as it is, and the memory record of last event replayed in their minds... 'Vongola's basement could be as scary as Vongola's haunted house' they thought... 

which it's a good guess acording to how close it is to the truth...

Their loud scream just drag back the headache that Tsuna's been holding this time. He almost losing it as he held his head with his left hand while body staggered back a bit. but he hurriedly steadied himself after that. It's a fortunate that no one catch on his slight movement.

No one... from the alumnus side, that is...

"J-Juudaime... you're okay?" Gokudera asked in low whisper as he secretively held Tsuna's body from falling.

Tsuna give him a soft smile as he replied with, "sorry, I was just surprised that's all" lying once again, he covered his dizziness.

"I really think that you should get some rest, Juudaime..." 

Tsuna just smirked in return, "I'll do. once I win this game"

By then, Irie has calmed the alumnus, as well telling them that the basement aren't that dark and scary like what they thought. It was only a gathering place...

He then told the participant, including Tsuna and Gokudera, to be on their place...

"well then, minna-san... on your mark... get set... GO!!!" a shot has been released to the sky and now they're running for their ways. Some are grouping while some decided to choose their own path... 

"Good Luck~!" Yamamoto said, mostly to his companions... his friends...

Gokudera caught the silent gesture that Yamamoto asked him while snorted as reply.

'You don't have to tell me that. Of course I'll protect Juudaime!'  the silvernet determinded in his mind as he followed the sky into the maze.

Meanwhile with Tsuna... He's not really paying attention on where his feet brought him to, for his sight is getting blury once again. It's a miracle that he didn't get stumbled over despite on how world seems to spin arounds him. He just get to slow his pace after they finally stumbled upon a dead end...

"ah... I think it's a wrong path then..." He muttered to himself.

"let's try the other turn then, Juudaime..." Gokudera said patiently as he softly grabbed Tsuna's hand, guiding him the way.

"ne, Hayato. Your hand is cold... It feels nice"  Tsuna commented.

The usual Gokudera would blushed over that. But again, he's not himself today. He's too worried over his boss' well being to act like a loyal puppy, himself...

"It's your hands that are too warm, Juudaime..." he said, frowning a bit. 

which Tsuna then brushed it off with a simple grin. "Maa~ you worried too much. I'll be fine~" he said as he snatched his hand back to himself before started to jog away.

"Come on Hayato! We can't stayed still if we want to win this~!" Tsuna cripped as he's getting further from the storm who was stunned for a while.

"eh...? W-Wait for me, Juudaime!!!" He said as soon he snapped back. Tsuna on the other hand, stuck out his tongue like a child. "weee~ catch me if you can~!" 

Probably from the stress of his works, Tsuna felt that averting back to his childself is great. He felt happy. And as much he worried for his boss, Gokudera too thought of the same. Well, it's been years since they have fun freely like this. a small smile plastered his lips as he chased over Tsuna.

They were like children chasing each other in a park. Yet the chase has to get cut off, thanks to a maze wall to suddenly appeared in front of Gokudera, separating the two...

Gokudera was calling for Tsuna, but the brunet thought the calls as traps to captured him therefore he keeps running and running...

Until then...

"eh? where am I...?"

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