Let's Play some games~

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the alumnus couldn't stop gaping and awing at everything. may it the plane, the private airport, the limousine, and the last the manor itself...

"Holy Cakes! Just how rich is Vongola????" One questioned as he and most of them dropped jaw at the sight of the huge gate that soon opened at their present.

Everyone was delighten at the hospitality that Vongola gave them. they missed the look and some evil smirks that the worker had.

Leaded by Mochida, Lancia, Ken, and Chikusa, the alumnus entered the mansion and again, can't help themselves but spellbounded at the mamor's magnificence. 

That is until a silky voice greeted them, "I see that you all have finally arrived..." 

they all snapped their attention to the voice owner, who is standing atop of stair.

Everyone is dumbstucked at the man's beauty...

The man has an unruly, spiky soft looking brown hair and he's wearing a crisp suit that showed he was well builtHis face looked like it would be very beautiful if only the masquerade mask got uncovered.

The mask itself was a beautiful orange that stood out and heightened his appearance.

They manage to snap out of it when the man stood in front of them with a blinding smile, while some people lined up behind him. 

"good day, everyone... I am Vongola Decimo, the owner of Vongola Inc. Therefore, I welcome you to my humble house..." the masked man said in fluent Japanese as he slightly bowed.

No one takes an action not even after Tsuna, the Decimo, straightening his composture with his unvading smile.

The Guardians and everyone in Vongola looked annoyed at their stupidy, some doesn't even bother to cover it. 

Lucky for them, Mochida decided to do something, before they got killed, literally or not,  on the spot. 

"We are honored that you accept us at your place, Sir. Decimo... Thank you very much" Mochida bowed lowly. The gaping group panickly followed his action.

"T-Thank you very much!!!" They said in sync. Tsuna's smile went wider.

"you are my guardians friends. Hence, I concidered you as my friends too..." Tsuna said. just then his phone ringed.

glancing at the caller, Tsuna signed to his guardians to take over. and they all nodded understand. Tsuna then turned back to the group...

"Pardon my rudeness, but it seems I'm needed elsewhere. but don't worry, my guardians will take over from here..." Tsuna said apologetically.

"It's okay sir, we understand..." Mochida said. and Tsuna gave him a nod.

"Verywell then... You can ask the maids if you need anything and for the last, please feel yourself at home..." he said, flashing his last smile before he went away followed by Reborn.

Once the two left, Gokudera take a step forward and clapped his hand once to get their attention, "Now, let's just proceed with the introduction, shall we?" 

uncoving his mask he then introduced himself, "my name is Gokudera Hayato, the storm guardian of Decimo..."

Faintly, whispers can be heard until one dare to ask it out loud, "are you really Gokudera? as in that Gokudera-kun?" 

Gokudera eyed the man carefully not to scare him just yet. The reason is, apparently that man just now was one of Tsuna's worst bully and if only Gokudera hadn't learn self control over years, he might have shoved his dynamites to that je- I mean man's throat.

sighed a little he then answered him, "Yes, yes I am. but before anything else, I work here. so don't expect me to be present all the time, and the most of all, I'm married, so please don't be clingy... do you understand?" They gulped but then hurriedly nodded, especially the women who lost their predatory sense at the threat.

"alright then, let's just continue..." Gokudera said.

"next to me, there are six other guardians. from the left, there is the rain guardian, the sun guardian, the lightning guardian, the cloud guardian, and two of the mist guardians..." at the mention of their status, Yamamoto, Ryohei, Lambo, Hibari, Chrome, and Mukuro, gave a nod in order.

a woman raised her hand timidly. "A-Ano... I have a question"

"yes, Yamanaka-san?" Gokudera asked back.

"w-well, why guardians? shouldn't it be co-worker or such?" 

"well, Yamanaka-san... It's just how we called it but in a term, yeah, you can call it that way. it's kind of traditional matter..." Yamamoto answered for her.

"o-oh? okay... thank you for your answer..."

"anything else?" but no one raised a hand. 

"okay then... just like what the rain guardian has said, us as the elemental guardians work under our boss, the sky's leadership. and the sky is the Decimo himself." Gokudera explained.

"now, without further ado, let's proceed to the trip of the whole mansion..."

"eh? wait..." Nezu-sensei called, stopping Gokudera from walking further.

"Yes? Nezu-sensei?" Gokudera asked coldly, but only few noticed.

"aren't they going to introduced themselves? and shouldn't we introduced ourselves too?" he asked.

"Hn.... no need" Hibari answered flatly.

"well, apparently, we already know who you are..." Yamamoto replied.

"and for our part, we won't reveal ourselves until we play the games" Chrome explained.

"Games? what games?" one of he student ask.

"well, games as games. with you all staying here for couple of days, Decimo of course doesn't want you to get bored..." Lambo said lazily.

"and that's why we'll filled your days through extreme games..." Ryohei gives a thumb up as he grinned.

"Kufufu~ details will be informed later~" Mukuro said.

"we'll play our first game after the dinner. but before that, we still have some minutes to explore. then you'll have free time to rest. anymore question?" Gokudera finished. 

everyone shooked their head and Gokudera seems to be satisfied with that answer. 

"Follow me, then..." Gokudera then lead the group to explore the whole mansion while the guardians separated ways to do what they wanted to do...

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