The girls return

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Tsuna POV

I have been awake for an hour now. and I'm still counting hours from when Reborn and Shamal finally left me.

It's already late and I can tell everyone must be sleeping, except from me, who's in the middle of dealing with my paperwork.

I can see that my paperwork has lessen much, probably thanks to Hayato and Basil, who I heard was paying a visit while I was in bed. I also heard that Alonzo's family has been saved by Hayato and Takeshi. I asked Alonzo on how did it goes once I'm awake, it seems that his family was left alone on their hideout which was an old house in a certain village. The hostages weren't there as Alonzo's wife said that they left after the last call. They talked about how this plan has failed and my guardians was coming.

They let Alonzo's family live because they don't want to be hunted by Vongola, or so what she heard...


It seems as if they already know about what's going to happen...

'Is it just coincidence?

or have they actually predicted it?

but if that so, then how?'

*sigh* too much thinking makes my head hurt. I probably should ease my mind for a bit by thinking other easy things...

Well then why don't we think about the tomorrow's guests?

They will arrive by tomorrow, thank god, I've come mostly prepared. both in plan and mentally.

well, to meet people who usually bully you in the past needs some courage, right? I'm glad that I've well trained from that hellish torture sincerely by the one and only Reborn. I'm ready for anything.

'I just hope that my guardians won't get too frantic about this...' I thought as I glanced over the orange and white mask on my desk. it was created by Shoichi-kun, the way I asked him.  it was Reborn's idea to amuse our guest by game of guess. I think he's planning to make my presence some kind of surprise to them. Oh well I can't do anything about that...

I hope nothing wrong happens, especially with our friends from Shimon, Callvarone, Ex-arcobalenos, Gesso, and Varia joined along...

I really hope that everything went peacefully...


Then again, I think, 'who am I kidding? there's no way it'll go that way. Not when my guardians alone can destroy a room for the simplest of reasons...' I sighed again. 'I think I need more aspirin...' well, at last I'm happy that we're going to meet each other again aside from the needs of serious business.


Wait a minute...

Speaking of tomorrow... I still haven't completed the final preparations!

There's still the decorations, my outfit, my speech, etc... etc...!!!

I almost litterally cried, "Why always me...?"


Normal POV

~next morning~

Everyone is sitting on the dining room, chatting along waiting for their breakfast, surprisingly without cousing any ruckuss moreover destructions like they usually do.

It's odd even for the guardians, but they were restraining themself for they know that l their beloved boss will encounter more paperworks if they did. Which also means he'll do what ever it takes to get it done even if that means skipping his sleeps and meals. a fact that they just recently discovered.

They're currently waiting for their boss, althought it will be an understanding if he didn't get to come. because they think that he might still sleeping. without them knowing the said brunet is actually up much earlier than they do...

Gokudera sighed as he glanced his watch, "It seems that Juudaime wouldn't make it. well then..." He then clapped his hands twice as the cue for the maids and butlers to serve their meals.

The breakfast went miracelously peaceful...

That is until a loud bang of crushed door can be heard. Everyone was alarmed and they drew out their weapon incase it was enemies, but then they're sighed in relief when they saw that it was only Reborn, who has a flustered Tuna *cough*... I mean Tsuna on his hand. he's currently being held in bridal style...

"Let me go Reborn! I can walk myself!" Tsuna said, hitting the hitman's broad chest as he wingled to escape. Reborn however just ignore the wails of his ex-student.

"you're getting annoying Dame-Tsuna. Just shut up now..." he said strenly but Tsuna wouldn't flatter as he even began to kicking around.

Everyone was trying not to brust in laughter at the scenery before them.

Reborn finally let him go only after he sitted Tsuna on his representative chair.

before Tsuna can complain again, Reborn has speak up, "stop talking and eat..." he said as he signed Alonzo to get Tsuna's breakfast.

Tsuna glared at the man but since he didn't really mean it, it falls into a pout. in a mere of second his food is served on the table. Tsuna eyed the food in warry, afraid that it was poisened too like the his food these past days.

"Don't worry Tsu-kun, I'm the one who made that for you..." a voice said attracting the brunet's attention to her.

with a shocked face Tsuna said, "ah, Kyoko-chan! I don't know that you're here. Haru-chan too! Hana-san, Bianchi, I-pin! you guys all here!" He brighten up at the sight of his friends.

"Hm..." was all Hana's repond.

"It's nice to meet you again Tsuna-san!" Haru cripped.

"happy to see minna-san!"I-pin hummed in happiness as she waved at Tsuna and so does Bianchi who only shot a smirk.

(A/N : Hana is currently Ryohei's wife, Haru is Gokudera's, Bianchi is Lancia's, and I-pin is dating Lambo. the five of them -Kyoko includes- are known as Mortale ROSE. the five beautiful assassins who works under Vongola. -were trained by Lal-)

"well I'm happy to see you all. anyway, where's your husband Kyoko? he's not coming with you?" Tsuna asked.

"he's guiding our 'guests', so he will come a bit later" Kyoko replied with smile as Tsuna nodded.

"now, enough with the talk. Dame-Tsuna. EAT" Reborn demanding. Tsuna who was purposely lurring the time gulped. his head was spinning ever since he wakes up so he knew that he won't be able to sense his HI for a meanwhile. thus why, he's hesitating to eat the food although it was Kyoko who cooks it and Alonzo who brought it to him...

who knows what happened to the food when nobody's watching.

Reborn had enough. he's pissed at Tsuna's behavior. and so he pull his chair to Tsuna's next then without any hesistance scoop each of the meal on Tsuna's plate to his own mouth.

"w-what are you doing?" Tsuna dumbfounded.

"proving that this food isn't poisened. now open your mouth"

"hey wait! Umpf-!" his wails went to deaf ears as Reborn feed him using the very same spoon that he used earlier.

Everyone erupted in laughter as they saw their boss slash friend being feeded by Reborn with a hillarious red face.

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