2nd game : moving maze (part 2)

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Tsuna POV

I ran and ran from Hayato in playful childlish manner. something that I've missed to do.

having fun like this makes me smile at the nostalgic feeling. Yet it has to stopped just like that when I realized that Hayato is no longer chasing me. And the fact that I'm lost...

'Oh no... this isn't good...' I thought as I stared sat the blocked way where I came from. Looks like the maze had moved again, and now I got separated with my right-hand-man.

I turned around to see two separated ways. "*hums* which path should I choose?" I questioned myself before then I decided to rely on my HI. Well, it's not like I have any other choice, now do I?

And so with that I walked to the left.

I coughed ever so slightly right here and then while my head began to throbs once again.

"such a bad timing..." Sighing, I then muttered as I rubbed the bridge of my nose to ease the pain.

I began to wonder whether this is a good idea or not because I can feel that something is definitely going to happen. whether it's good or not I couldn't tell...

Just then, as I got distracted with my headache, my sharp hearing caught some buzzing voices.

I hurriedly turning around, just in time to avoid something that were about to caught my head.

'What was that???' I questioned as I narrow my eyes to see who or what's exactly that attacked me earlier.


"Whoa! that was close!" I said as I just dodged some more attacks. This time I saw a glimpse of black and yellow. Which I soon recognize my attacker as...

"Bees?" -Wait! these aren't just ordinary bees. They are box weapons!

"shi*! am I under attack?" I asked myself once again before then I entered HDWM.

I hit some of them with my sky flames. But these bees who's covered in cloud mist keeps on multiplying as I did.

"Tch! there's no end of this!" I said as I then decided to run instead. And as I expected, those bees are chasing me down.

"ouch!" I screamed as one of them grazed my cheek. It's not that hurt actually, but the wound stungs. I keeps on running though. I just want to find the end of this maze as soon.

I'm increasing my speed as I closed my eyes. My heart beat is running wild as I ran as fast as a wind.

I don't know where did my feet takes me as I relies on my HI to lead me the way.

It didn't take to long before then I heard some calls of my name and then I bumped onto someone...

"Oi, Tsuna! are you okay? What happened in there?" I recognize this voicw as Takeshi's, therefore I smiled.

I don't have time to answer his questions for I just suddenly blacked out...


Yamamoto POV

"Hey, Tsuna! Tsuna! what's wrong, Tsuna?" I called in worry. But it seemed like Tsuna has fainted with unknown reason.

Irie hurriedly called for Ryohei-senpai as I hurriedly brought Tsuna to infimary.

"Oi, Takeshi! what happened to otouto?" Ryohei-senpai asked the moment we arrived.

"I don't know. he just suddenly passed out." I told him as I lied Tsuna down to the patient bed. He's burning up!

"I'm going to check on him. for the while, you should call for Hayato, I don't think he knows about this yet. oh, and also informed Reborn, since he told me to call if something ever happened." I nodded before then I excuse myself to make the phone calls.


"I have no time for this, sword-freak! Juudaime is missing!" Hayato said as soon he pick it up.

"about that..." I said. "he just came out from the maze."

"Eh? really? thankgoodness..." He said in relief.

"but the bad news is, he fainted the moment he did..."

"wait what???" He exclaimed.

"don't worry, Senpai is checking on him right now." I told him. "But still, I think it's better for you to come back now..."

"I'm on my way..." He said then cut the line.

I sighed, 'now, it's Reborn-san's turn...'

However I don't have to do the call for the said man just appear before me.

"what are you doing here? your game is still on going, isn't it?" He asked.

"uh, yeah... but something happened..." I said as I uncounciously glanced the closed door.

I can feel his sharp gaze on me as he then said, "what happened to Tsuna?" I flich a bit at his tone. But I can tell that he's actually worry for him.

"He fainted all of the sudden and now Senpai is checking on him." I answered.

He hummed before then leaning his back at the wall next to me.

I smiled briefly before then I join him on waiting for Senpai.

It didn't took long before then we heard the door got slammed open as Senpai walked out with pale face which worried me.

"How's Tsuna, Senpai?" I asked almost immediately.

Ryohei-senpai looked at us before then he said the shocking news, which is...

"Tsuna-otouto... he... he shrinks..."







"He what?????"

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